Add this to make chili lemongrass chicken feet delicious taste, everyone loves to love

Ingredients chicken feet pickled lemongrass

Chicken feet: 500 grams, blueberries: 150 g, 10 of lemongrass, 5 peppers, 200g ginger, white wine 200ml, vinegar, fish sauce, filtered water, white sugar, lemon leaves.

How to make chicken feet soaked in lemongrass and chili

Step 1: Cut off the claws of the chicken feet. Squeeze chicken legs with crushed ginger, white wine to deodorize, rinse with cold water, drain.

Next, remove the old leaves of the lemongrass, crush, cut 3 cm or thinly slice. You can split chili pepper, remove seeds, cut pieces or leave it whole. Then, cut the kumquats into thin slices, which you can add or remove.

Should add kumquat and lemongrass chicken to make chili

Step 2: Busy need boiling water, boiled chicken legs with ginger and 1/2 pounded lemongrass. When the chicken feet are cooked, take out and put in cold water to cool, remove. Place chicken feet in the fridge for about 20 minutes to allow crispness.

Step 3: You need to make chicken feet soaked in formula: 3 tbsp of vinegar, 3 tbsp of fish sauce, 300 ml of filtered water, 3 tbsp of sugar. Then stir the mixture and boil. You see when the mixture boils, you add lemongrass, chili, switches and lime leaves and wait until the water boils again and turn off the heat.

Step 4: Take the chicken feet out of the refrigerator, put them in the jar, pour the mixture of cool soaked water into the jar so that the chicken feet are covered. Use a compressed blister on top to prevent the chicken feet from floating. Chicken feet soaked about a day is edible.

Adding blueberries to the dish will be much more delicious

Note when making chicken feet soaked lemongrass

You can chop chicken legs in half before or after boiling them, in case you want to eat more spicy, more sour, you can increase the amount of chili and kumquat.

In the absence of lemon leaves you can skip this ingredient.

If you do it in large quantities and don't finish it in 2-3 days after you soak it, you should put pickled chicken feet in lemongrass in the refrigerator compartment so that the dish doesn't ferment to make it more sour.
