Boiled spinach, crispy Green Tip: soak the vegetables with boiling water to cool!

The dear mother!

Ago when not pimp back scroll of boiled spinach, despite actually married but I don't know how the boiled vegetables that the winter as well as summer enjoyed eating. In particular, boiled vegetables with very sour water, crocodiles, eat all the efforts are not well known.

However, as mentioned above, because not have boiled vegetables tips so I boiled vegetables, vegetable green only green disk was right at pulled out. Also just picked out to the disk at one time is the same as that they have colored deep black. Really looking at disc such as edible to eat themselves see very d. feelings.

I have previously tried by way of her husband's mother. That's when boiling water, 1 little white salt on, then for vegetables. But this still didn't eat the loser. I wonder again with my mom, she insists her husband poured boiled unripe vegetable protection yourself should it be so intensive. But his true boiled vegetables cooked very well by myself and my husband does not like eating vegetables re-though could lose crispy vegetables.

Until his son to a one time about irregular in kindergarten are dine at the games. Find the kitchen to cook for the whole boiled spinach lush disk very eye catching. So yourself boldly asked the Chairman of the teacher in the class. Would be incredibly, she shows how the boiled vegetables are very enthusiastic.

Boiled spinach way of specifically only through these steps as follows:

The boiling pot of boiled water module must be sung.

-For spinach washed in and remember to grab chopsticks island through the island back at it. You just go back to the vegetables for about 2-3 times.

-Cover pot for nine mau Hau, do not suffer from wear and gas.

-When nine vegetables, certain don't lazy right disc out that vegetables picked so ripe vegetables picked out the basket price had to hole for quick drainage.

-Then, dip the basket beard into pots of boiled water to cool.

-Picked up, to drain and remove vegetables to disk.

Also follow these steps above here, the parents take note the following tips to beautifully colored boiled spinach.

-If not boiled to eat in two packed is not boiled vegetable dip into cold water. By just using chopsticks for vegetables come to face many times cover mau, lush and crunchy enough vegetables.

-Vegetables are green or not depends on the type of garlic that you buy. If the spinach which slightly oxidized brown short then there is nothing for it green. When the broth even for pickles on crocodiles, leaf, lemon-like me ... not in that reclining over yellow gold.

-According to their own idea, if boiled spinach that much water, vegetables and water is also more tasty.

-When picked, vegetables should reduce heat real fast green and blue will long vegetables. His house or thin out vegetable bamboo basket load is the most stable.

-In addition, if the parents want to boil vegetables like it up the goods such as wood green for vegetables on, you can give half table spoon cafe smoking salt also called Matchstick salt or baking soda. This is in the wholesale spice market are all there. But boiled vegetables at home should not give in because this substance is not good for the stomach and digestive tract. Overdose or poisoning and can cause many diseases.

-Besides, if new garlic boiled green that finished to a more intensive at being when not enough fire also (quite soggy).

-Soaking cold water after boiling just crispy vegetables to add, no green vegetables.

Wish the mom!=
