Boiled vegetables and this colored water immediately poured over cancer 'visit'

The dangers of water spinach

The demand for green vegetables of people is increasing, so many farmers because they want to make a quick profit, so they have used chemicals to make morning glory, brittle and delicious.

Before that, there were many cases of patients becoming ill with food poisoning, including vegetables. Many patients when admitted to hospital found undigested spinach in the stomach, the amount of toxic substances in pesticides.

When people are exposed to this substance, it will cause digestive disorders, causing the body to vomit. Even, many people almost die because they eat spinach filled with pesticides.

Morning glory is heavily contaminated with the insecticide but is usually boiled for long time

Identify pesticides

Usually the sprouted spinach usually has a bigger trunk than usual, dark green, crunchy leaves. These spinach are fertilized with too much nitrogen and added with chemicals in pesticides. Therefore, the amount of heavy metal in it causes the trunk to expand, always lush, with less deep leaves.

When boiling, housewives noted that the vegetables were fortified with chemicals that were often crushed because the body was too brittle and easy to break. On the outside, these vegetables are always green and fresh, but boiled for a long time.

Look watercolor boiled vegetables

When the housewives boil the vegetables, they can see immediately whether the vegetables are edible or not.

Vegetable broth has dark green color, so it is thrown away

When vegetables are enriched with chemicals: The housewives will see that the broth is usually dark green, the more toxic chemicals are, the more stimulated vegetables are, the darker they are. Even when you squeeze in lemon juice, the water is still dark green, which is not very eye-catching. This vegetable juice, when cooled, will turn black. In this case, you should immediately pour it before you receive the disease.

Clean water spinach juice: With mild evergreen vegetable broth, squeeze lemon or whipped on it quickly slightly favoring white, clear water. Even when you cool, the water will not discolor this is a morning glory that should be used
