Clam soup cooked delicious, attractive mushroom in the family feast

Sour soup bowl steaming mushrooms clams will help both belly warmer than in the days of monsoon. Fresh water clam, dai dai Qing, the mushrooms soft cool for the family a sour soup bowls.

Clam soup cooked delicious, attractive mushroom in the family feast.

A little spice is the fungus will make the clam soup bowls no longer monotonous anymore, instead the harmonious taste of mushrooms and clam, for every person the more palatable. The fresh aromatic concentration of seafood clam river water when cooked with little fresh mushrooms will let you feel the sweet, cool bar where the top of the tongue.

Clam soup cooked fresh mushrooms for the family you enjoyed in the days of monsoon.

Raw materials

-300 g fresh clams

-100 g Enokitake

-50 g seaweed

-3 tomatoes

-2 result me sour

-knotweed less green onions-chopped

-1 dry onion

-Few slices of ginger

-Spice: cooking oil, seasoning

How to do

Fresh clam buy about washed crust on the outside. Then, mix a light salt water pots. Chopped 2-3 peppers in pots and then empty into the clam dip. Soak for 1-2 hours to disengage off the sand mud clam. (If not cleaned carefully clam, the flavor of the soup will be affected is not small).

Green onions, washed, finely chopped ginger. Clam after the rinse, add some water in the pot cooked separately.

Enokitake removal of original parts. Gentle wash under tap water for cleaning small dog.

You ketchup, add little water for breadfruit quickly.

Pour water into the pot and clam along two of me and seaweed. Flavor for just the mouth. When me nine will emerge, picked me up, rinsed, remove the casing.

Then just seasoning for just the mouth, drop North action is done.=
