Cooking tips: Delicious meat storage tips


When stewed meat you try to remove a little galangal with a slightly spicy taste but very fragrant and pleasant. When giving galangal to the casserole effect of this spice plant is very good, it helps the dish bring a fresh taste.

However, housewives should pay attention not to give too much, otherwise it will be counterproductive, the galangal will overwhelm all other types, making the dish no longer delicious.

Remove galangal into meat stock


When you want to stew beef and pork, chicken should not be cooked together with galangal and angelica but should only be used with some fresh beer. Just a little beer just need to put a little beer into the meat will be soft, more spicy absorbent.

Beer is made from a product when brewing whole grains, it can change the quality of old chicken, so the meat will no longer be tough.

The meat store should remove a little white

White only

When the meat stew housewives can give a bit of angelica because it is famous as an herb that has many good uses for health.

Many housewives do not have the habit of showing white to cook because their taste is only slightly bitter but it has a light aroma, especially it makes the piece of meat become softer, so it is particularly suitable when Cook together with beef or lamb.
