Cooking tofu without leaving the leaves: The fundamental mistake many housewives make makes their bodies pick up the disease


In the cavalry food with tofu named green onion, a kind of food that any housewife has ever combined. In the composition of onions containing oxalic acid when combined with calcium in tofu to form an insoluble substance is calcium oxalate, affecting the body's absorption of calcium, causing your body to lack calcium.

When you combine these two foods for a long period of time, it will cause a lack of calcium to form kidney stones.

Goat meat

In the composition of goat meat, there is no substance that acts against the tofu. When you eat these two foods at the same time, it will have the opposite effect, causing bloating, indigestion. If prolonged, it can cause jaundice, edema, which affects your health. So, the housewives need to pay great attention when combining the foods together, especially goat meat and tofu.

Tofu scallions cause kidney stones


The composition of eggs is high in calcium and nutrients are good for the body. But according to Oriental medicine, you should not eat tofu with chicken eggs because both foods are very rich in protein, eating two things will affect the absorption of protein in the body. When you eat too much, it can cause bloating, indigestion, and lethargy that interfere with protein absorption in the body.

Dairy cows

Tofu and cow's milk are two foods that are together, if you eat them together, the nutrients in the two products will be greatly reduced. At the same time, lmf reduces your ability to absorb calcium in your body, making you more susceptible to kidney stones and osteoporosis .

Eggs and tofu are together


Spinach and tofu are two ingredients that should not be combined together or eaten at the same time. In the composition of spinach contains many chlorophyll, iron and oxalic acid while tofu contains a lot of protein, fat and calcium. So if you combine these two foods, it will waste calcium in food.
