Each day the parents go out these markets?

Partyingmood right now, markets these days spend money like the mother's book of the wind. The day would look at your food nothing out 200 k.

Hello parents!

Actually I would like to ask the mother probe this question long í. But so afraid, so busy so today's new cạch type the period sitting confided . Hope to get feedback of many parents to share I know spend for the kitchen nực more rational every day dining with his family. I thank the parents first.

I have 2 young spouses that a girl in the age of weaning. That day would come take me market 150 k is poured down that missing. I take every day 200 k then temporarily stable markets.

Storm time price, something that expensive black-market wages also were cut or increase in wages. I'm fed up with having to go to the market every day so the mother every morning like that money is stolen.

Storm time price, something that expensive black-market wages also were cut or increase in wages. I'm fed up with having to go to the market every day so the mother every morning like that money is stolen.

The day would also calculate spending a day eating I tired too. I would like to spend less money and still be delicious. But maybe this is not possible in these years storm reviews like this.

The House has 3 people, but money is a food of 3 members of your building off about 70 k. For breakfast, 2 spouses each one sold out 60 k and then break each noodle/2 Bowl. Also baby home children eat porridge out 10 k/Bowl. The lunch and dinner money food and fruits you buy also counts out 60-70 k/packed.

That was me eating normally but is not yet talking about delicious food. I also eat and drink for all according to salary. The salary increase, the delicious food, the salary reduction to reduce feed rather than for a fixed amount of money to go to the market every day.

So, today, as the chickens eat, improvisation tomorrow I have to compensate certain to eat beans, eggs to reduce and balance the costs.

In particular, my most awe-inspiring vegetable buyers in the city. The normal day then about 5 k/tangle of vegetables. The rainy day then really husband and wife don't dare to eat vegetables. Because of the stormy season vegetables usually too expensive.

Although it has fixed daily market funds only be goal 200 k. However, I still sometimes daily audio market money. Just try casual so then okay. But long long craving seafood stir-fried squid bought back the funds immediately.

Some day before I met a former colleague's sister. Currently she is still above the city but also the country houses and gardens. So she told her sister home to spend 3 million/month for food is the saw spare and was delicious.  So that I count out money loss of about 6 million that has yet to be.

Although it has fixed daily market funds only be goal 200 k. However, I still sometimes daily audio market money.

She said that the secret of saving when spending goes is the market of home grown vegetables or livestock. Every weekend, she again enlist home grown vegetables and raising livestock at home that feed for eating an toàm which saves costs.

More garden 100 m home she planted enough vegetables, spinach, vegetables cheeks, spinach ...  In general each weekend about is her flurry up the city both loads of vegetables, comfort food.

Eggs, fish meat, she also bought from his hometown, delicious cheap. The money goes to her computer homes market just off 80-100 k/day.

To listen she's say so, you're trying to strive to go spend more savings market. Perhaps I should also go home grown both vegetable garden for all comfort food. Country fears that organised I how the capital Hanoi and I small children.=
