FISH WAREHOUSE in this way: TAKE CLEAN TICKETS, it tastes good and tastes like DAO, and her mother-in-law is hard-pressed.

The easiest tips to have delicious fish dishes

1. Wash or dip fish into boiling water

Washing fish with vinegar, with salt helps fish less fishy, ​​then surely you know. But have you ever heard of washing fish with boiling water? This will help remove viscous fishy substances from fish, making fish more delicious and firmer. You just need to boil a pot of water, drop the fish and then take it out or put the fish into a basket, pour it through boiling water to complete this important step.

2. Fish for at least 30 minutes in the refrigerator

Fish are marinated with spices depending on your taste, but it must be marinated for at least 30 minutes before cooking to make the fish soaked in spices, fish meat is delicious. In fact, if you marinate fish for half a day, it will be an ideal time for the fish to taste better.

3. Warehouse with coconut water

If you store fish with coconut water, it is also very delicious, and remember to heat it up, not to cool it.

4. Two fire storehouse

This is the secret you should never ignore if you want to have delicious fish dishes. Of course, this will take more time and effort. After the fish boils, you should turn off the stove. Wait about 1 hour before turning on the stove and boil dry. If you are not too hasty, you can store nine fish but still leave some water, wait until the next meal is empty and enjoy!

Reference 3 how to store delicious fish

Method 1: How to store fish with bacon and galangal

- Additional materials: 200g bacon, 1 galangal, 3 branches of lemongrass and onion.

- Meat is washed and then cut into pieces to taste.

- Rieng, onion cleans the shell, lemongrass peels off the outer shell and carries all thin slices.

- Put a layer of galangal, lemongrass on the bottom of the pot and put marinated fish on top. Continue for galangal, lemongrass and onion, meat alternating with fish.

- Boil a little hot water and pour it around the surface of the fish and turn on the heat to boil it, then turn down the heat again.

Method 2: How to store fish with pickles

- Additional materials: 2-3 tomatoes and pickles 300g.

- Tomato washed, sliced ​​thinly, then strip 1 layer evenly to the bottom of the pot, then to 1 layer of pickles.

- Put the marinated fish and tomato part, pickle left in the pot.

- Boil a little boiling water and then pour it around the fish face, turn on the heat to simmer until the water boils, then turn the fire down to the light. When the water runs out, turn off the stove.

Method 3: How to store fish with soy sauce

- Additional materials: 100ml soy sauce (about ½ bowl), 2 green star fruit, half a spoon of white skull (may not be available).

- Marinated fish put into the pot, pour the soy sauce bowl into the fish pieces, then boil a little water and then pour it around the fish face and turn on the heat to cook.

- When the water in the pot boil, turn down the heat again, clean the star fruit slices to put it in the boil before turning off the stove for 5 minutes.

- Boil until almost dry, sprinkle pepper on the fish pot and turn off the stove.

Note: Put boiling water in the fish stock, if it is cold, it will be fishy. When the fish stock should not turn and mix the fish up because it will cause the fish to be broken.

Tips to make fish stock attractive

When stocking fish, you change the filtered water with Siamese coconut water. Coconut water has the effect of making glue fish and the color of cockroach is very beautiful. When enjoying the taste of coconut water makes the fish stock more sweet and delicious.
