Forget boiled vegetables in the old way, this way new dishes keep tonic, eat more delicious

According to a study published in the Zhejiang University magazine in August 2009, steaming is a low-nutrient cooking method in broccoli, including vitamin C and plant chemicals. Glucosinolate and chlorophyll benefits make the human body cure many diseases and degrade the aging process of the skin, helping young women to stay longer.

Next to the vegetables after steaming the vegetables, if you use them with a little fat like olive oil, you won't be able to absorb fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E and K from vegetables. . And add a small amount of lemon to iron-containing vegetables, such as broccoli, kale or spinach, to help your body absorb iron twice as much as usual.

Steamed vegetables are much more flavorful

The secret of delicious vegetable steaming below will make you get extremely delicious vegetables that are both bold and not very good for your health.

Ingredients to prepare

- Types of tubers, such as peeled chayote into pieces, carrots scrape peeled off pieces just to eat, potatoes clean up the pieces .

- 1 steamer and one pot of water

How to make steamed and fresh vegetables

- Step 1: First, clean the vegetables and cut them into small pieces.

- Step 2: Next, pour water into the pot about 1-2 cm high.

Steamed vegetables will taste good and keep minerals healthy

- Step 3: After that, you put the steamed bowl in the pot, then put the stalks on it for evenly - Step 4: Make sure to cook and heat on medium heat for 7-10 minutes later, you check See if the vegetables are cooked. When you use chopsticks to poke on a piece of vegetables to see that they are ripe, turn off the stove, arrange the plate and prepare to enjoy.
