Ginger poached fish extremely attractive for cold days

Ginger poached fish dishes contain a lot of nutrients appropriate for everyone. Poached fish galangal is the dish familiar tradition in the feast of the North.

Ginger poached fish extremely attractive for cold days.

This dish contains a lot of nutrients appropriate for everyone. The sweetness of the fish with a spicy blend of taste and characteristic of galangal makes folk verse: tasty fish vạ rice.

Raw materials

-Fish: 2 kg

--Galangal: 300 g

-Goal: 20 g

-Msg: 50 g

-Salt: 200 g

-Sauce: 200 g

-Sugar: 100 g

-Fruit Chilli: 5 results

-Color: Water 2 spoons

-Oil: 200 g

-Purple Onion: 2

How to do:

-Preliminary clean Fish, cut 3 cm then salting 15-motorised. Rinse the fish and drain. Ginger, washed, sliced. Peppers washed, cut.

For ginger, the bottom of the pot. Lined up along the grain, chili pepper, pepper, sugar, MSG, cooking oil, salt, sauce. Water soluble color poured into the fish and simmer for.

The time ranges from 3 h-4 h. When the fish have color, hardness, water fish are being booked. Not being on fire.

After that period, the fish would be so delicious, tasty and ripe breadfruit look very attractive and put the rice.=
