Hanoi autumn cuisine do how people 'ứa saliva'

When autumn winds man's burden is taken on grade nine full served topped with an appearance on the streets of Hanoi.

Since the United States plate be baby star white ti li chao milk sideways in the wind first shoulder on hao, Winifred, girls hair school eagerly. The flower carpet plate working laboriously Tran Hung DAO, Phan Dinh Phung, Tran Phu. Permeability and out ballads that busy summer days half life has passed. Crocodiles are also at nine at Hanoi to currency.

Not only passionate students swarm Titus the crocodiles, rounded berries, grapes, nursery is gold filled small blisters in green foliage um. Crocodiles, nine trees is still officially presents makes people crave small range even when just thinking. Each person who has no childhood sometimes don't know what boring glutinous, take the slippers that surround the Green crocodiles up to lia thia expect a result nine crocodiles would fall summer rolling on roll that picked up. "Lonely lane outside the loss is taken away". Singing stars that right, which describes the essence of soul, the lyrical romantic quality reminiscent of how the anniversary of Hanoi. 

Crocodiles, nine fall become nostalgic of the pupil. Nine crocodiles, a way to whisper, whisper and then as the tender fall backs to make space to transfer the season a smooth cool shades to soothe people. As kids see each other after the busy summer days, also want to whisper to each other by the sound of ripe autumn crocodiles.

Surely the Hanoi would far country when claims are sent relatives donated to weight nine crocodiles, the right season. Because it is not just the food that is both how many memories are in the simple gift pack.

How taken nine beams:

Nine crocodiles, are scraped clean, the crust will see the "meat" crocodiles, yellow nursery. Need manual to separate the "meat" is taken out of the seeds, cut the ring wiggling without being definitive. "Treat" crocodiles nine extremely simple, can put an edible salt immediately or bring beams with sugar, salt and pepper.

For about half an hour to thoroughly infuse spices, leavening crocodiles eat will see less sour. Bite a piece, see sật location infuse enough fruit lumpy crunchy tart, spicy, sweet, salty and dissolve on the tongue. As to crocodiles, long beams infuse sugar sweet, soft, and will eat more and put her mouth.=
