How to cook crispy tasty fried eggplant on new year


Crispy fried eggplant pieces simplest way to complex aromatic very tasty and attractive.

-2 results (select results, do not select the result too old)

-crispy fried flour bag 1


-Less garlic, chili and chopped ginger

2 How to cook crispy tasty fried eggplant on new yearbbage leaves

Green onions, vinegar, sugar, spices.

How to do:

Step 1:

Crispy fried eggplant is considered by many the favorite.

Eggplant cut into long pieces about 5-7 cm. Then use the blade is thin and sharp, ingenious filters out external hard purple shell.

Step 2:

Chopped Eggplant into long bar has just eaten, soaked in dilute salt water about 15 minutes for the coffee maker does not suffer deep and then picked out the drain, into a bowl. Pour the flour and salt, then powder coated for damping are eggplant.

Step 3:

Heat a deep pan with more oil, drop each stick breaded eggplant.

When boiling oil then you lower the fire fried eggplant until small gold are then picked out the disc with oil absorbent paper liners.

Step 4:

Chopped How to cook crispy tasty fried eggplant on new yearbbage, Microfiber lining covered in Palm of the disk and then lined up on the fried eggplant.

Step 5:

-North pan back on the stove but with only a bit of cooking oil, chili and then turn to ginger finely minced into FRY evenly.

-Add some water to the Pan and boil again.

-For sugar and less sauce on the island quickly about a few seconds until the mixture is slightly anemic, then turn off the stove.

-Add the chopped sHow to cook crispy tasty fried eggplant on new yearllions on the island.

-Scoop up spilled soy sauce mixture of crispy fried eggplant was part presentation available on disk in step 4 is the crispy Eggplant dish was complete!

-Crispy fried eggplant Pieces extremely eye-How to cook crispy tasty fried eggplant on new yeartching thanks to a matching covered in smooth sauce mixture. The green color of How to cook crispy tasty fried eggplant on new yearbbage chopped fibers as possible makes the colors of sorbet more attractive.

-Crispy fried eggplant pieces aromatic complex, the simplest way to soft inside, the outside is crispy flour crust rụm very interesting. In addition, minced Chili's spicy taste of soluble marinade mixture makes you want to eat forever.

Spicy minced Chili's in taste of the marinade mixture makes you want to eat forever.

-The residual sauce, you How to cook crispy tasty fried eggplant on new yearn mix with the How to cook crispy tasty fried eggplant on new yearbbage chopped fibers to eaten as a salad dish is equally delicious.

I wish you success!=
