How to make vegetarian crispy aromatic, sweet rolls for Tet moment


Some of the ingredients for the vegetarian rolls.

-Bánh đa nem: 1 Pack

-Burma: 50-100 g (soaked in warm, chopped. Want to nem long are not recommended for Burma, because it will bloom fermented chapter)

-Carrot: ½ CU

-The onion: ½ CU

-Ear, shiitake mushrooms: 4-5 (soaked bloom, wash)

-Sprouting or tubers legumes: 100 g (extra crispy sweet taste)

-Xu Hao: ½ CU

-Vegetables sprouts

-Taro: 1 tubers (starchy tubers which should give, to the link with the rest of the ingredients, can be replaced by Taro Green cleaning)

-Hoa: 2 forks

-Cooking oil, flour, broth, tamari, pepper.


Burma soaking cold water, then bring a small cutting

Shiitake, Thai only small real ear and then hashing chips.

Onion, minced stamping dam removal, chopped garlic

Taro cleaning, squeeze me out

In the vegetables to do the same, you can choose two of the types listed above, should normally choose carrots, peas or sugar beet price, because carrots are red will make richer colors (should give a bit of carrot only because of its good location to ACE carrots). Tubers are natural sweetness makes the nem is incredible, the prices may give in to eating more cool, if no then erosus select reviews, however if the price for the lot would make nem was ỉu. And don't forget the fresh green onions finely chopped. The buffer will make this vegetable dish of rich colors, rolls of eating help others more.

Mix all of the ingredients were chopped into the ear, shiitake mushrooms, sorghum, onion, ... vegetables chopped, 1 bit has spice, mix all into and the hash again for material blend into each other, then for taro to squeeze with all the ingredients. This will make the human being left the bench than easy rolls.

Some recipes when his book nem

Mix a little bit of lemon juice or a bowl of sugar water (1 in 2)Shell nem spread out the bowl. Depending on your preference, you can choose how to package the nem to (when Fed cut out) or small rolls. Typically, or 1/4 rolls or packages half the shell you have little bit scanner card rolls (note the 1 bit OK) up the shell to fried crispy rolls than when frozen.

For the entertainment book, when Shell's book, nem, nem Peel stick back to, you can scan the country lines up.

A sweet, aromatic crispy vegan rolls disk bar with the proper sauce is the dish delicious moment in the new year.

Rán is not

Pour the oil into the Pan, wait for hot oil only I could remove old nem on FRY. When FRY, you have the card for a little lemon juice on for aromatic and exotic; rolls (If apply lemon juice in this book, step by step then rolls. Requirements of chả is nem gold, not fire, the smell of onions, garlic and spices.


Do melon: Kohlrabi or papaya, carrots, sliced soaked up on bringing salt water mixed 1 bit of lemon or vinegar. Drain and mix with sugar, for citrus, spices, mixing medium to pale when put in the sauce, the sauce not being too salty.

Mix sauce. Each dish must have a separate spices. Without a certain recipe, as long as the food. But in General can be done in the following way:

Garlic pounded contused, peppers cut into small slices, sauce, seasoning (soup), pepper, sugar, vinegar, remaining warm boiled water mixed with each other. Have you noticed the salinity, acidic, sweet mouth accordingly. Usually you should mix little vegetarian sauce and used many more spices.=
