Massage into a nutritious, delicious and delicious clam soup, my husband gives a good compliment

Clams live in brackish water and shallow beaches. Clams have many types: clam, clam, white clam. Delicious nutritious clam meat. In 100g of clam meat contains 10.8g of protein, 1.6g of fat, 4.6g of carbohydrate and minerals such as 37mg of calcium, 82mg of phosphorus, 14.2mg of iron, vitamins: A, B1, B2, C and vitamins PP .

Clams have many health benefits as follows:

Promote digestion

Clams also help digestive problems, which help increase appetite. Nutrition in clam is also involved in many metabolic reactions of the body. It is also a factor that helps develop good height in children.

Avoid joint damage

Together with crab, shrimp, and fish, clam is one of the most abundant sources of selenium. Selenium is an essential nutrient, working with other nutrients to combat stresses caused by oxidation - an imbalance that leads to joint and bone damage.

Good for the sick

In clam contains a large amount of protein, protein, so it is good for people with physical weakness, just get sick. Your doctor's advice can use porridge to cook porridge, to cook soup will enhance nutrition and water for the patient's body, help sick people quickly heal, improve immunity.

Good for pregnant women and babies

Clams are foods that contain good nutrition for pregnant women. Some people are concerned that clams are not safe for pregnant women, however, the study has proved that clams are not only safe but also rich in essential nutrients for pregnant mothers.

Protein content in clam is much higher than meat. It helps build fetal tissues, prevents obesity in pregnant women because this is a low protein protein. Clams provide phosphorus, iron, and protein for pregnant women.

How to cook simple and delicious clam soup:


- 1 kg of fresh clam

- 2 tomatoes

- 1/2 pineapple

- 1 sour tamarind

- Dried onions, green onions, laksa leaves, dill, bean sprouts

- Spices, fish sauce, salt, seasoning seeds


- Clams bought soaked water to clear mud. Then wash. Add in a pot of water with 1 teaspoon of boiled salt until the clam separates.

- Take out the clam. Boiled water is reserved for sedimentation. Pick up clam meat and squeeze the dirty part in the clam.

- Marinate clam meat with 1 spoon of fish sauce, 1 spoon of seasoning seeds, 1 tablespoon of spices. Wash vegetables, onions and some bean sprouts. Minced, onion, dill. Pineapple slice. Tomato with citrus. Scrape off the skin of tamarind. Dried onion, thinly sliced.

- Yellow onion, aromatic. Leave 1/2 of the onion to bowl (to sprinkle on soup). Add the clam meat to the onion and stir-fry. After that, the clam should be put in a separate bowl (clam should be stir-fried separately before stir-fry the tomato, the clam meat will be fresh and fragrant).

- Continue to stir-fry tomatoes. Boiled water after clogging, put in tomato sauce, tamarind and 1 spoon of spices, seasoning seeds, and boiled fish sauce. When the water boils for 5 minutes, remove the tamarind from the bowl and beam and filter the sour water, remove the pulp.

- Add the stir-fried clam and pineapple to the mixture of boiled water. After that, for onion, onion, then the bean sprouts, then turn off the stove. Soup to the bowl. Sprinkle on onion. Break up a few smells.
