Only 60,000 VND and within half an hour, my mother made sure that dinner was finished, making everyone nodding


Item 1: Boiled bacon (VND 30,000)

Ingredients: 30,000 VND of bacon


- Bacon washed.

- Cook a pot of water + 1 pound crushed onions + 1 spoon of white wine + ginger + rinse. When boiling water, drop the meat in, will help white meat, fragrant and odorless.

Item 2: Tofu stuffed with meat

Ingredients: 5,000 VND tofu + 10,000 VND of meat + 5,000 tomatoes


- Tofu cut in half, make a square in the middle and cut out, mix with meat + soup powder + green onion + red onion

- Using a spoon, scoop the meat between beans. Use a spoon to press gently and rub gently.

- North pan, wait for boiling oil, then fry until golden on both sides.

- Tomatoes add areca zone. Stir-fry scallions, stir-fry with fish sauce and a bowl of baby water. When the liquid mixture, add tofu. Fever is good on both sides for 10 minutes.


Item No. 1: Vegetable clams soup

Ingredients: 5,000 VND vegetables and 10,000 VND clam


- Vegetable plucking leaves, washed, rubbed lightly.

- Clams washed, boiled in water, when clams opened their mouths, remove the shells to get meat.

- Non-fragrant onion, stir-fry through vegetables and clams, then pour the clam water in, seasoning to taste just eaten until vegetables are okay.

Dish 2: Boiled okra

Ingredients: 5,000 okra


- Okra cut off the head and a little at the tail, soaked with diluted salt water for 5 minutes, wash again with cold water.

- North a pot on the stove, add water + salt, when the water boils, start boiling okra, until it is satisfactory.

Wishing you success!
