Put some salt in the boiled egg, but you will be surprised to see the miraculous results

Add some salt when boiled

You need to have enough water in the pot to completely submerge the egg. If the water is not flooded enough, the eggs will not ripen evenly. In addition to rab you should add a little salt to the water. According to research by American scientists, salt will freeze the egg whites escaping from cracked shells, making better eggs keep the nutritional value.

Put some salt when boiled eggs

Stir eggs well when boiled

Put eggs on a heat stove with low heat. Stir the egg well so that the egg yolk is fixed in the middle. Heat until the water boils. Continue heating for another 2-3 minutes. Then use chopsticks to pick eggs. If the egg does not fall, it means the egg is cooked. If not, you continue to boil.

Note: For boiled eggs to be cracked, only heat them when you boil them. Because big fire will cause the eggshell to crack, making the egg not delicious.

Stir eggs well when boiled

Tips peeled to not be close

After the eggs are cooked, turn off the heat and pick up the eggs immediately into cold water. Wait for the egg to cool and you peel the egg easier and won't be close.

If the eggs are stored in a refrigerator, before you boil, you should leave it out for about 15 minutes. Boiled water only poured about 2-3cm. Do not cover the lid when boiling the egg if it is closed and it will break the egg
