Put this in any pan of the dish to be crispy, fragrant cracked without a non-stick pan

How to turn cast iron pan into nonstick

After you clean the pan, clean the water, then wipe off the pan with a dry towel, put the pan on the stove, turn on a small burner to dry the pan completely.

When you see the pan is dry, keep the heat low, add two pieces of fat meat, move the pieces of meat around the pan with chopsticks. The piece of meat will work to help the pan have a non-stick coating so that all dishes are fried.

Putting a piece of fatty meat in the pan before frying will turn the pan often into non-stick

How to turn a regular pan into non-stick

Preparation: Stainless steel pan, some coconut oil, some salt, and paper towels

Step 1: First you put the pan on the stove, to moderate heat, when the pan is hot, you add 1 tbsp of coconut oil and heat the coconut oil to melt.

Step 2: Then, turn off the stove and sprinkle a layer of salt into the pan, enough to evenly cover the bottom of the pan.

Salt helps turn ordinary pans into anti-stick all dishes are fried crispy tan

Currently in the pan is more salt and less excess oil, is a condition to clean the pan clean. Specifically, use a tissue or a clean cloth to rub around the pan evenly and rub vigorously in a circular motion on the pan walls and bottom.

Step 3: Use another clean paper towel to wipe off the excess coconut oil and salt and you can use the pan to prepare the dish without fear of them getting stuck.
