Rice vermicelli-steel trap bold Hue quality delicacies for the weekend

Who has ever come to hue, will also be a steel trap, rice soup, try double steel trap of people here. Luxury is not needed, the characteristic taste of just referred to also make people want to explore. You get the flavor up your dining table from hue to receive the massage xuýt of people on weekends.

Ingredients: (for 4 people)

-1 kg of live steel trap

-1 kg rice vermicelli

-300 g pig skin

-1 banana

-1/2 cups roasted Sesame

-1/2 cup roasted peanuts

-Aromatic Vegetables: persicaria, cinnamon, garlic, onion,

-Spices: spicy chili powder hue, red things, garlic, seasoning, rousong hue (salted shrimp), ginger

The way of processing

Step 1: preliminary processing of vegetables for the dish is slightly step States and tidy time consuming, so be prepared for this phase a little earlier before embarking on a steel trap.

-Thai banana flowers truth slim, dipping into the water has brewed available lemon to banana flowers not being intensive.

-Split garlic into thread, soaked in water.

Step 2: Make chẽo water.

This is stitched in making vermicelli Bowl phảng echo of flavor Perfume River. chẽo Water to wedge into the bowl of noodles you need garlic, chili paste to retire. After that, mixed with 3 tablespoons sauce delicious shrimp, wedge bit of sugar, and 1 cup of boiled water for steel trap to mix well.

Step 3: For pig skin into the pan of oil are boiling, FRY until golden crispy really are.

Step 4:

Steel trap soak and wash for most of the smell of the mud. Then, you give the steel trap into the pot.

When a steel trap had nine, picked out the favors get the meat. Remember do not pour away the boiled water, worried and ginger for a little residue on the lining of the small fire to boil the water, using boiling hot-always an integral part of your steel trap noodle Bowl.

Step 5:

For the cooking oil to the pan. When boiling cooking oil, drop in a little flour into things to create color to the dish, while for garlic has small Thai on. Wait for the Golden garlic, odor, for steel trap on hunting for meat, sauteed a little more seasoning, roasted Sesame mix on and then turn off the stove.

Step 6: get the vermicelli and fried into a steel trap Bowl, lined up vegetables, water it a few chẽo chan pieces of crispy fried pork skin and roasted peanuts. In the end, watered steel trap Bowl boiled vermicelli appealing.

Harmonious combination of various flavors such as chilli's fiery, spicy taste of chẽo water aromatic, sweet taste of steel trap water, cool and crispy ginger odor sometimes thoang sprouting, bowl of soup, simple steel trap but makes each person eat on all feature crisp feel characteristic of dreaming hue food.=
