Stir fry the pork belly for one more thing, make sure it is both tasty and crunchy, and everyone who eats it will give praise


- 750 grams of heart

- 1 green chili, 1 red chili

- 1/2 branch of tilapia

- 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, a pinch of salt, 1 pot of ice water, 2-3 tablespoons of flour

- 1 piece of chopped ginger, 2 cloves of minced garlic

- 1 little pepper if you like

Choose to buy delicious pork heart

To get delicious pork tripe dishes, you not only need to know how to make the pig's intestines not foul, but also to know how to choose delicious pork intestines.

When buying pig hearts, you should choose to buy the type of baby heart, round heart tube. On the outside, the heart is bright pink white. Squeeze into your lap and you will see that the gastric juice flowing out is milky white. If the fluid is yellow, it means that it is old and that it is not a bad heart.

How to eliminate the smell of pig intestine with vinegar

After buying your lap, wash through your lap with clean water. Then put the heart into a large bowl. Pour in vinegar and squeeze for about 2 minutes.

Using a long chopstick, skewer into the inside of the heart to allow internal fluids to drain outward. Rinse the heart with clean water. Add vinegar and salt to your lap and squeeze for another 5 minutes. Rinse the heart with clean water and you can process it.

Lemons also have the same deodorizing effect as vinegar. If you don't have vinegar in your home, you can clean up the lemon with lemon.


After draining, cut the heart into sliced ​​pieces to taste. Since it will shrink when it is sautéed, don't shred it.

Pour some cooking oil into the pan, heat, then add the old heart to the pot, stir-fry the water inside out, and the heart curls slightly.

Then, pour the pig straight into the pot of ice water to quickly cool down. Note: Adding this step is very important. This is the key to make the heart more brittle, not chewy when stirring, remember!

After the heart is completely cooled, remove the heart from the ice, drain.

Add oil to the pan and heat, then add ginger, onions and garlic, stir-fry aromatic. Then put in the heart, add 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, just enough salt, increase the heat, stir well. Add green, red peppers and some sliced ​​pepper and stir fry until cooked.

Stir the old heart into a plate and eat it hot. This stir-fried way to make sure your heart is delicious and crispy, everyone likes it!
