Stir-fried sweet and sour pork – delicious, nutritious whole House hard sexual

Bitter sweet savory sweet meat pieces make appetite for people. Ultra convenient and fast for a delicious sweet and sour fried pork dish of rice. Here's how to make sweet and sour sauce pork easy to eat exotic reference together.

Stir-fried sweet and sour pork dish is delicious, nutritious.

The way the ham meat

280 grams of pork shoulder, cut into pieces the size of knuckles.

1 teaspoon soy sauce.

1 teaspoon oil.

1 tsp white wine.

1/2 tsp ginger juice (squeezed from ginger curettage).

50 grams of wheat flour.

20 grams potato flour.

1/2 teaspoon baking powder (possible or not).

1 large egg.

Make the sauce:

1/3 cup water

1/4 cup rice vinegar

1/4 cup tomato sauce

3 tbsp sugar

2 teaspoon potato flour

1/4 teaspoon salt


50 grams of green bell pepper (1/2 bell peppers) cut into squares.

125 grams of fresh pineapple (1/4 pineapple) cut into cubes.

50 grams of onion (1/4 onion), cut into squares.

50 grams carrots (1/2 carrot) chopped salad.

A 1:

Pork marinated in soy sauce, oil, white wine, and Ginger water for at least 15 minutes. Prepare sweet and sour sauce: mix the water, rice vinegar, sugar, potato starch and salt, simmer on the stove until the form slightly gelatinous sauce.

Mix the wheat flour, potato flour and baking powder, add water, are mixed into the hands of loose powder. Eggs are white and hand accents on each other, pour eggs into flour mixture, potato flour and baking powder. If wheat flour also clumping, add next to water, mix until mixture into a smooth, finely, match.

For oil submerged the bottom pan, to a temperature of about 1700 c. pork Dip over flour and dipped over cooking oil before giving in. FRY in oil until golden meat flooded both sides then picked out.

For the bell pepper, onion, pineapple, carrots on nine islands. For the fried pork and vegetables into the sauce, simmer until meat is tender and vegetables are thoroughly coated, then out for a drive.

A 2:

Let the sauce simmer with the meat, are on hand to infuse the sauce with the meat and the sauce delicious dried meat, dried up, smells the fragrance.

When the meat is dry water, soft piece of meat, the meat is cooked fresh for beautiful color on the island are the hands for nine and then turn off the stove. Finished with sweet and sour sauce meat raw materials of extremely simple and delicious. You remember when roasting meat we do not cover, open the swing to the smell of meat and sauces to shallow fly fast. When eating meat soft but slightly tough meat section.

So you've got sweet and sour fried pork dishes for the whole family! Fresh rice sweet soup how to make delicious sweet and sour sauce pork rice, it expresses the dexterity of the woman in the family, so what are you waiting anymore without processing today!


To have a delicious sweet and sour sauce pork dishes for you should note in selecting meat: pork is delicious pork meat color fresh, bright, white light grease, meat has a good elasticity, the fragrance, not cold. Select buy pork pork shoulder or armpit will fit for the sauce like this. Buy meat about to wash the meat and then the Thai new chunks.=
