The menu for the stomach pain


Cane rHouse suitable for the stomach pain because it has many nutrients such as protein, calcium, iron, minerals, sugar.

The cane is very suitable for people with stomach pain because it has many nutrients such as protein, calcium, iron, minerals, sugar. Cane nutritional supplements for muscle, cooling, refreshing, clear tan fatigue, digestive aid. Cool, sweet cane juice, have the effect of thermal bar, refreshments, detoxification, expectorant, anti vomiting, urination, fever red water cure and very nutritious.

Vegetables, fruit

The researchers emphasize that the supplements of the form carotênoít are not to replace the nutrients, because other vegetables can also contain the ingredients work enhance the efficiency unit. Carrots, spinach, amaranth, spinach, basella vegetables watercress ... because it adds vitamins and mineral salts such as folic acid, vitamin A, D, K, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium.

The substance of the form carotenoít has influenced diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stomach.

The substance of the form carotenoít has influenced diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stomach. These substances against the oxidation of the cells freely, this is exactly the position cells crucial to the process of weakening or developing the disease.

Honey technology

Is a useful dish for the patient because in technology have a scientific name is curcumin has the ability to heal stomach ulcers and antioxidant pole circuit capable of detoxifying the liver, cancer prevention ... very good for health. The patient should drink before the meal is best to honey works, after about 6 months for good results.

Honey in addition to high nutritional value is also commonly used as excipients or pill form processing. According to some studies, honey also reduces the acid of the stomach acid levels, helps the taste became normal and do everything in painful symptoms of discomfort, stomach ulcers and intestinal diseases.

Patients can take drugs from DIY technology and honey on the dose.

And honey if combined with another dose of 12 grams of turmeric powder mixed with 6 grams of honey, taken daily can heal ulcers, diseases will gradually relieved. The patient can do a drug from the honey and the dose on or can also use the tablet "honey" of production and has been widely circulated on the market.

Sticky rice, starch ...

Is food available covered the lining of the stomach. The food should be crushed in liquid in order to reduce the number of contractions of the stomach. This food is soft, easy to digest, alkalis, has the effect of making acid saturation in the stomach.=
