Tips make sauteed Lemongrass chilli Delicious winter

Eliminate fishy smell of ink

You for a pinch of dried tea in cold water, do not need too much water because the ink will secrete. Boil evenly, tea blooming petals out, you drop the squid on a fast boil, boiling again.

Photo illustration.

Tips to make delicious chilli Lemongrass, crispy fried squid


Small squid: 500 g.

Lemongrass, chilies, ginger, cilantro, garlic.

Seasoning: seasoning, salt, MSG, sugar, pepper, sauce, cooking oil.

How to do:

Take out the ink bags and white spine out of body ink, rips first ink, rinse under running water to turn off;

Boil water with a little salt, ginger, and then drop the ink on the flip back about 30 seconds and then picked the cartridge drain. Then Thai squid out each piece of the circle has just eaten.

Marinated squid with finely minced Lemongrass, ginger strips, ½ table spoon of seasoning, 1 spoonful of MSG, ½ spoonful of pepper, ½ spoonful of sauce, 1/3 spoons of sugar in 15 minutes to infuse spices fast ink.=
