Tofu: The cheap and delicious food that many people like is unexpectedly more harmful to this health

Tofu contains large amounts of protein, calcium, vitamin E, no cholesterol and low carbohydrate can bring certain health benefits. According to Oriental medicine, tofu tastes sweet, cold-cold, has good effect on gas, air-conditioner, new-life, detoxification; Tofu is a nutritious dish commonly found in Vietnamese meals. However, even though the food is delicious, it should not eat much, especially tofu, for men, if you eat much, it will not be good for your health.

Some harms when eating lots of tofu

Cognitive problems

A cooperative study between the United States and Japan has shown that tofu affects dementia and Alzheimer's disease - two diseases that cause negative effects on brain health.

In particular, people who regularly eat tofu in adolescence and middle age will have a lower cognitive ability when they are old and are at increased risk of dementia and Alheimer disease.

Easy to lead to atherosclerosis

Soy products contain a lot of Methionine (a type of α-amino acid), under the action of a catalyst, Methionine can be converted into Cystein. Cysteine ​​can damage the inner cells of the artery walls, causing cholesterol and triglycerides to settle in the artery walls, leading to atherosclerosis.

Causes gout to develop

Tofu is relatively high in purines, for people with gout the elimination of erratic purines and high levels of uric acid in the blood, eating lots of tofu makes gout easier.

Leads to iodine deficiency

Soybeans used to make tofu contain Saponin, which makes the body's iodine excrete faster. Eating tofu often for long periods of time is very easy to cause iodine deficiency, and lead to diseases of iodine deficiency.

Deficiency of vitamin B12 and vitamin D

Although soybeans contain a B12 analogue, these substances cannot fulfill the same task as vitamin B12. That's why soy foods such as tofu "contribute" to the body's vitamin B12 deficiency, especially among vegetarians.

Tofu increases the body's need for vitamin D, meaning that eating tofu also increases vitamin D deficiency and worsens this condition.

Breaking male hormones and reducing sperm count in men

Soy contains isoflavones, a compound that increases estrogen levels in the body.

If you are a male, consuming a lot of soy products including tofu can disrupt the balance of reproductive hormones.

In addition, according to many studies so far, daily consumption of soy products will significantly reduce men's sperm count.

The Harvard School of Public Health studies, completed by Dr. George Charles Navarro from 2000 to 2006, produced surprising results: people eat soy products every day, each of their semen There are only 41,000,000 sperms, 20 million lower sperm than those who do not eat or eat soy. This shortage of sperm is very likely to lead to infertility, which is much higher in obese men.

Causing difficulties for the digestive system

Soy-based products such as tofu contain strong enzyme inhibitors, blocking the activity of pancreatic trypsin enzymes and proteolytic enzymes necessary for protein digestion. This not only disrupts healthy digestion, but also increases pancreatic diseases.

Thyroid problems

A study published in Thyroid (UK) showed that isoflavones in soy products such as tofu adversely affect thyroid function and may interfere with thyroid absorption. Research also warns that eating lots of tofu may increase the risk of developing thyroid gland.

Kidney stones

Tofu is rich in oxalate, responsible for causing kidney stones. According to a study in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry (USA), after oxalate is absorbed into the body from tofu, it is excreted into the urine but cannot be metabolized. In urine, it combines with calcium to form insoluble salts of calcium oxalate, precipitating to form kidney stones.

Preventing mineral absorption

Tofu contains phytic acid, linked to minerals such as copper, zinc, calcium, and magnesium, so it prevents intestinal absorption of nutrients.

Increased risk of breast cancer

While many studies have been conducted to test the ability of tofu to prevent breast cancer, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (USA) found that the isoflavone content in tofu can be particularly dangerous. Dangerous for breast cancer.

How much to eat tofu?

Tofu is generally good for health but should not be eaten too much. Older people, people with kidney disease, anemia, iron deficiency, gout, moderate arteriosclerosis . should limit eating tofu. Should only eat tofu 3 times / week, about 100 grams each time.
