Want to stir fry delicious green vegetables need to remember this secret, especially the third thing not everyone knows

Do not use much fat

When you fry vegetables, you should not fry too much oil, which not only affects your health, makes you more likely to raise cholesterol, but also makes vegetables covered with oil so that other spices cannot penetrate the vegetables, affecting the food. your. You should only give just enough oil when you stir fry the vegetables so that the food is not too tired, affecting the health, the dish is not attractive.

Do not put spicy

When you use too much soup powder or soy sauce, it already contains salt and many other spices that make the dish less tasty and easy to salty. Therefore, when you add vegetables to the seasonings, you need to reduce the amount of salt, otherwise it will make the dish salty.

Blanch vegetables before frying

Stir-fry olive oil with vegetables

When you want to stir fry veggies, remember the trick is to use olive oil, which will not only retain it but also boost your healthful active ingredients, adding vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. substance that helps prevent diabetes, reduces vision .

Blanch vegetables before frying

When you want to stir-fry young green vegetables, you should blanch before frying to help them cook quickly, not having to stir too long, causing the vegetables to ripen thoroughly, making the dish less delicious.

In particular, when blanching is not covered and poured water flooded vegetables helps green vegetables dish much smoother. You should avoid the heat that will retain the vegetables overcook, making the vegetables yellow.

Use olive oil to make a delicious dish

Stir quickly when stir frying

After blanching, the vegetables have been partially cooked, so stir fry quickly to vegetables just enough to absorb the spice but still retain the green color, making the dish more delicious. In addition, to make the dish more delicious, you only need to stir fry a sufficient amount of vegetables with the size of a pan, which will help stir-fry the vegetables evenly green.
