Watch the sisters show off beautiful homemade mooncakes like works of art, no one can eat

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a chance for the family members to gather, eat cake, drink tea and chat. Before the Mid-Autumn Festival all months, the women began to prepare lots of delicious baked goods and cakes for the family to enjoy early.

In addition to traditional cakes, women's homemade mooncakes have extremely diverse and eye-catching appearance.

Let's take a look at some of the beautiful cakes that couldn't be eaten by the sister association for this year's moon season:

Currently, many women like to make moon cakes at home. Just quality assurance to suit personal preferences.

No need to go to any school, women can fully learn and tinkle their recipes on the network.

In addition to cakes, traditional cakes, now you prefer to make more unique cakes such as thousand-layer moon cake, egg custard .

Modern mooncakes made by food blogger To Hung Giang.

Beautiful cakes like this no one could eat.

Mooncakes create an extremely cute animal for babies.

Mooncakes create beautiful flowers.
