When I boiled an egg, I have to make a delicious Korean steamed egg, I can take a bite

If you are a fan of Korean dramas, you probably cannot help but know the steamed egg dish. In the film, you often see the actors holding an egg to the head and then peeling to eat deliciously, which many people crave. The peeled egg has a beautiful, glossy brown color.

Koreans believe that the soft and fragrant soft egg dish is suitable to eat after having steamed a considerable amount of sweat.

The way to prepare this egg is extremely simple. Let's see how to do it!


- 6 large eggs (about 400g). Before boiling, keep the eggs at room temperature for at least 2 hours. Otherwise, when cooking eggs are no longer delicious.

- ¾ cup of water

- ½ teaspoon sea salt


- Put the egg in a rice cooker then dissolve 1/2 teaspoon sea salt with 3/4 cup of water and pour the mixture into the egg. Cook the eggs for 50 minutes in a rice cooker.

- Put eggs into a bowl and peel eggs to eat.

Steamed egg dish appears in many famous Korean films.

Note, when just finished cooking, the egg is very hot. Be careful when you remove the eggs and peel them.
