10 nutritious food, happy eating mouth but terrible liver damage, even causing cancer, stroke

1. Wine and beer

An alcoholic drink absorbed directly into the blood, not through digestion, like other foods. Therefore, drinking more alcohol causes the liver to filter more waste, which is detrimental to the liver. Too much salt can raise blood pressure and can also lead to fatty liver disease. So it is absolutely necessary to limit salt-rich foods such as bacon and sausages, fish sauce .

2. Goat meat

Goat meat, food should be avoided for people with liver disease: Goat meat is a hot, sweet food with high protein and lipid content. Therefore, if a person with liver disease overeates this food, the liver will become active and create additional burden on the liver. Making the liver unable to complete the metabolic task and eliminating toxins from the body. Therefore, people with liver disease absolutely should not eat goat meat to ensure liver best

3. Fast foods

Fast foods are not good for the liver: a study from Europe showed that eating too much fast food, high fat and sugar diets (including, high-fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame, Splenda NutraSweet, Equal . if consumed too much can produce toxic reactions in the body, especially the liver because the liver must work directly to treat them) so Causes serious damage to the liver.

4. Road

Eating too much sugar is not only harmful to teeth but also harmful to the liver.

At the liver, fructose will be metabolized and partially formed into fat droplets. Therefore, excessive use of refined sugar and high fructose syrup will cause fat accumulation, leading to liver diseases. Some studies show that sugar can harm the liver as well as alcohol, even if you are not overweight. Therefore, it is necessary to limit sugar foods such as cakes and sweet candies.

5. Fresh shoots

Bamboo shoots are widely used food. However, some bamboo shoots, especially fresh bamboo shoots, can cause poisoning or even death. In fresh bamboo shoot, very high cyanide content, about 230mg in 1kg of bamboo shoots.

When ingested bamboo shoots contain a lot of cyanide, under the action of digestive enzymes, cyanide is turned into cyanhydric acid (HCN), an extremely toxic substance to the body, harmful to the liver.

6. Barbecue, frying

Grilled fried food is a common habit of many people. Eating grilled foods that are soaked in both sweet and grilled sugars for crispy crust causes carcinogenic active ingredients (roasted at high temperatures). It is not good for the liver because the poison must be processed by the liver, the liver is more active, causing heat in the body such as acne, constipation, .

It is usually baked in fat, rich in protein, when the metabolism requires water, by the body 55-70% is water. If not drinking enough water will cause fatigue to the metabolic organ, making the metabolism abnormal, causing free radicals to attack cells, which can cause acne, itching, asthma, affecting the heart system. vascular, respiratory system occurs during abnormal metabolism, free radicals.

7. Fresh water

Many studies show that people who drink a lot of soft drinks are more likely to develop fatty liver disease than those who rarely use it. These studies do not prove that fresh water is the main cause of the disease, but limiting drinking soda every day will benefit you in switching to a new, healthier drink.

8. Red meat

With a rich protein content, red meat is an essential food in the human diet. However, many studies show that cutting red meat in your diet will help you have a healthier liver.

If your liver is healthy, it can break down proteins in meat easily. If your liver is weak, it will be difficult to metabolize protein. When the liver is impaired in protein metabolism, excess protein becomes toxic and directly affects the brain, causing dizziness and fatigue.

Nutrition experts recommend avoiding eating more red meat, especially when diagnosed with liver disease. Some white meats such as chicken and fish will be a good choice for you to get protein without harming liver function.

9. Shrimp

Shrimp is a protein-rich food, has a positive effect on kidneys and is rich in nutrients for the body. However, for people with liver disease, this is not good food, because shrimp with high cholesterol leads to bad effects on people with liver disease and especially those with inflammatory diseases liver.

10. Salt

Research shows that high salt diets can also lead to fatty liver disease. Eating too much salt contributes to liver damage in adults and embryonic development. Increased intake of salt is linked to high blood pressure, which is the main cause of heart disease and stroke, boldsky said.

In addition, too much salt can lead to changes in fibrosis-related liver cells. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in your meal.
