2 standalone hours if deliberately going to bath and sitting in the air-conditioned room will leave unpredictable posterity

Immediately after eating or being too hungry

Bathing immediately after a full meal causes blood to rush to the stomach to aid in the digestion of food that will move to the skin and other parts, making digestion slower or delayed.

In contrast, taking a bath when you are too hungry can make you more likely to have a drop in blood pressure, which can lead to fainting, stroke. You should wait about 30 minutes to an hour after eating, so take a bath, and pay attention to moderate bathing, not too hot or too cold.

Late at night

If you take a bath after midnight, you are at risk of many different conditions, from headaches, neck pain to straining to accidents, strokes and death, especially for the elderly, weak, drunk or extra pregnant women.

You can use a warm water towel to clean your body to make it easier to sleep and to shower again the next morning if necessary. If you really can't not take a bath, you should choose a sheltered bathroom, bathe with sufficient warm water, avoid cold or hot water.

What is the best bath time?

Dr. Goldenberg says, for most people there is nothing wrong with bathing in the morning or night.

"People tend to sweat at night," Dr. Goldenberg said. "When you wake up in the morning, there is all the sweat and bacteria from the cloths that will lie on your skin." So take a quick shower in the morning to remove all the sweat, the bacteria secrete. Besides, if you do it at night, you must clean up the next morning.

Dr. Goldenberg also emphasized that most people do not need to use fragrant soap. A gentle, fragrance-free cleanser is best.
