3 signs of prostate cancer in men

Change urination

The prostate gland is located just below the bladder and urethra. When urinating, the bladder pushes the contents into the prostate to the urethra and then goes out.

As you age, your prostate gland enlarges - often called prostate enlargement, and often causes urination changes. But a tumor that grows in the prostate can also cause similar problems.

Urination problems include slow urine flow, increased frequency of urination, increased urination, and complete bladder sensation, meaning you will feel like urinating as soon as you leave.

Blood in the semen or urine

It is unusual to see blood when urinating or when you ejaculate, and should be checked whenever it occurs. This may be a symptom of prostate cancer, or come from another cause such as infection or inflammation. Whatever it is, go see a doctor.

However, remember that no ejaculation is rarely a sign of prostate cancer. It is more likely to be a problem with vasectomy, or it could be a side effect of medication for prostate enlargement - an enlarged prostate is not cancer.

Pain and stiffness in the lumbar region

If prostate cancer spreads out of the gland, it usually affects nearby tissues and bones, including the lumbar region and spine. It can be placed on the spinal cord, causing pain or numbness, and causing muscle stiffness, depending on the location of the cancer cell. However, diagnosis of prostate cancer as a consequence of back pain is rare, although it is still possible.

Measures to prevent prostate cancer

Regular screening to prevent prostate cancer

Men should regularly screen prostate cancer using antigen (PSA) for prostate screening. PSA testing, along with digital rectal examination (DRE), is a tool that provides information that men of all ages can use to check for prostate cancer. Although PSA and DRE tests do not specifically test for prostate cancer, they are the most reliable testing tools for men.

Avoid foods that can cause prostate cancer

Some foods that increase the risk of prostate cancer should be avoided including red meat and canned meat. In addition, you should avoid eating chips, dairy foods, fast foods, sugary foods, artificial sweeteners .

Eating cancer-preventing foods is not as strange as available vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage . Many studies have proven that these foods The above contains anti-cancer compounds called Glucosinolate. In addition to the above vegetables, there are also foods that work in preventing prostate cancer.

Drink green tea

Men who drink green tea regularly have been shown to reduce prostate cancer risk. Green tea contains Catechin, an antioxidant that can kill some bacteria, boost the immune system, reduce diabetes symptoms, and help fight against many types of cancers including money cancer. paralysis.

Avoid chemicals and toxins

They may be invisible but they are everywhere and very dangerous, can increase the risk of prostate cancer. Some of the best ways to protect yourself from chemicals and toxins are to reduce exposure to pesticides in everyday foods and other harmful substances; avoid or minimize consumption of burnt meats and stay away from foods in cans lined with BPA.
