4 foods are 'kidney dialysis machines', which prevent the formation of stones better than a thousand supplements


In the nutritional component of cabbage, there are chemical compounds that can break down free radicals in the body, help prevent cancer and support your heart health. Cabbage is an inexpensive food, and is a great food for your meal, as it is rich in vitamins K and C, fiber, vitamin B6 and folic acid, but is low in potassium, which is good for those Who wants to lose weight and good for the functioning of the kidneys?


In the nutritional composition of onions. Onions are full of flavonoids, especially quercetin. Flavonoids are natural substances that prevent the deposition of fat in blood vessels which are good for human health.

Ginger is good for health

Simultaneously, onions contain quercetin which is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of heart disease, protects against many forms of cancer and also has anti-inflammatory properties.


In the nutritional composition of bed contains many essences that help clean the kidneys very effectively. At the same time reduce nausea, reduce pain, motion sickness, anorexia good for human health. If we eat ginger every day, we prevent some cancers, enhance the body's resistance.

Onions are good for health


Lemon is a great drink for the body if you want to find a food that not only cleans your kidneys but also prevents other kidney diseases, add to your favorite list of tiny lemons. In the composition of lemon juice increases the amount of citrate from the inside, preventing kidney stones from forming.

If you drink a glass of warm water mixed with 4 lemons a day, it will minimize the possibility of kidney stones.
