4 types of vegetables that are extremely anti-cancer, both delicious and cheap but many Vietnamese people still ignore


This is a normal looking vegetable but it is one of the top 10 anti-cancer vegetables. Eating a lot of cabbage can reduce cancer and enhance the body's immunity. In particular, they have many benefits and especially low cost, almost everyone can afford.


The use of cauliflower is very much, especially in this vegetable that contains glucosinolate, which helps fight cancer very effectively.

In cauliflower contains a lot of glucoraphanin, gluconasturtian and glucobrassicin belonging to the group of toxic waste, which purifies the body's toxins.

Regularly eating cauliflower can prevent stomach cancer, lung cancer and esophageal cancer. A number of independent Danish, British and Finnish studies also show that eating 100g of cauliflower daily reduces the risk of lung cancer and prostate cancer.


Celery is used as a favorite vegetable of many people. When eating a lot of celery, it can inhibit cancer caused by bacteria in the gut. Celery improves bowel movements, reduces contact between carcinogens and colon lining, preventing colon cancer.

This vegetable is easy to buy all year round and is inexpensive, especially as celery can be used as a bonsai, easily grown in the kitchen. If the house has a balcony, people should plant some spice plants to supplement their meals every day.


Tomatoes contain a large amount of lycopene - a powerful antioxidant that is thought to be one of the inhibitors of cancer cells while counteracting the formation of blood clots in the arteries, neutralizing free radicals in the body. , prevention of stomach cancer and gastrointestinal cancers.

In addition, tomatoes help prevent breast cancer and prostate cancer effectively.
