5 changes in the skin accuse the body of dangerous disease, do not let it regret it not in time

Unusually dry skin

High blood pressure and kidneys sometimes result in thickening of the skin in the lower legs. In addition, dry and itchy skin can signal hormonal problems.

Abnormal soft skin is also a rare pathological symptom of connective tissue, which can be referred to as cutaneous disease (cutis laxa).

Staphylococcal syndrome

Also known as neonatal exfoliative dermatitis, usually occurs in children under 5 years of age, more likely to occur in children with kidney disease or weak immune system. In adults, the disease is very rare and only occurs in immunocompromised people (HIV infection, terminal cancer or kidney failure).

If children have the disease, the mortality rate is low, usually less than 5%, however, in adults, the death rate can be up to 60% due to septicemia or preexisting illness.

The disease starts from an infection around the natural cavity such as eyes, nose, mouth and inguinal folds, armpits appear red skin lesions, blisters, rapid pustular pustules and scabbing accompanied by tired patients , fever.

After 24-48 hours, red skin quickly spreads throughout the body, edema, pain. On the skin surface, there are soft, very shallow, unclear, easily slippery blisters, sometimes the blisters are linked together into a wide array, then slipped out, flaky like cigarette paper, leaving the skin red moist.

Rash fever

Rash is a high fever that causes the herpes virus 6 or 7. If it is not timely treated the disease can cause complications, causing danger or death.

Early symptoms include headache, fever or nausea, can also swell in the hands or eyes. Then the rash will appear, initially with flat pink spots around the waist, forearms and ankles, then spread to other areas. The longer the rash on the skin will turn red or purple.

Acne covered skin

This is a disease caused by bacterial infection, which can spread quickly and destroy tissues in the body.

Initially, the patient will feel like a cold, reddish color around the infected area, pain and burning.

In addition, blisters may develop with burning, high fever and dehydration. Patients need intravenous antibiotics and immediately remove necrotic tissue to avoid shock.

Skin turns yellow

According to Mirror, that could be a sign of jaundice. The liver is not purified, eliminates toxins from the body, forms bilirubin development, causes jaundice, can even be seen in the whites of the eyes.

If you experience this symptom, you should perform a urine test, liver function and blood test.
