5 dishes both cool and fresh, clean toxins for your liver and kidney


Increasingly popular with Vietnamese people, seaweed is really a healthy food. They contain high levels of antioxidants and a range of phytochemicals such as polyphenols and fucoxanthin. Spirulina and chlorella in seaweed have all been shown to effectively remove heavy toxins from the body.

Brown seaweed has also been shown to be most effective at cleaning the liver and kidneys. Traditional Chinese medicine used seaweed to treat everything from urinary tract infections to tumors.

Soup of misery through lean meat

According to Dong Y, bitterness, coldness, cooling effect of liver, heat, detox . If we use bitter melon to make liver detoxification very well.

Ingredients include: Suffering through 250gr, lean meat 100gr, spices.

How to do: Suffering through seeds, thin slices. Lean meat also slices thinly. The meat is lightly fried and then filtered. When the water boils through, add the taste and taste. Note the taste of the past medium to cook well cooked to taste. This soup, besides the effect of liver, can also heat against heatstroke, detox, bright eyes .

Sugar beet

Known as an effective blood purifier, sugar beets contain a lot of nitric acid that helps increase blood flow in the body. Eating or drinking sugar beet juice provides the body with a large amount of vitamin E, carotenes, phenolic acid and betalain, an antioxidant that helps repair and regenerate cells in the liver.

Green bean soup

Mothers can use green bean porridge to detoxify and supplement their liver by the following way:

Ingredients: Use 50g green beans, 100g rice, 600ml water.

How to do it: Green beans are washed and soaked with hot water. Rice is clean. Put green beans and rice in a saucepan, add water to cook until it is tender, seasoning to taste. This porridge makes the liver cool and delicious and easy to make, suitable for eating when cold. Every week, moms should feed this family 2-3 times to ensure the best effect.

Vegetable soup with pork

Fresh vegetables are nutritious to help laxative, heat, detoxification. Pork is a food with high nutrient content, rich in protein, fat and sugar. There are also many minerals and vitamins.

The way to cook pork soup is as follows: Vegetables are plucked with young leaves, washed, and crushed to soft. Lean meat is chopped, fried and cooked, then boiled water to boil. After the water boiled, the mother let the vegetables into the seasoning to taste and turn off the stove. Lean meat and vegetables are considered to be both delicious and nutritious, especially suitable for newborns and new patients.
