5 food for kidneys, delicious and cheap, always available in Vietnamese kitchen


Cabbage contains chemical compounds that can disrupt free radicals in the body, help prevent cancer and support cardiovascular health. Cabbage is a cheap food, and is a great food for Your meal, by cabbage rich in vitamin K and C, fiber, vitamin B6 and folic acid, but low in potassium.

If you are on a dialysis diet, add cabbage to a salad or eat with fish dishes.


A popular spicy food is onion. Onions are full of flavonoids, especially quercetin. Flavonoids are natural substances that prevent the deposition of fat in blood vessels. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of heart disease, protects against many forms of cancer and also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Onions also contain chromium, a mineral that helps the body metabolize fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Can be eaten raw or cooked onions when processed into different dishes.


Cherry contains many antioxidants and phytochemical compounds that help protect your heart. Eating cherries daily can help your body fight inflammation. Fresh cherries or cherries are delicious irresistible desserts.


Not only is a popular spice, it is possible to process a variety of dishes such as: grilling, grinding ginger powder, adding to the cooking dish or juice, . but this food also works well in making clean kidneys, while reducing nausea, pain relief, motion sickness, anorexia.


If you want to find a food that not only cleanses the kidneys but also prevents other kidney diseases, add a fancy list of a small lemon. Lemon juice increases the amount of citrate from the inside, preventing kidney stones from forming.

Form a habit of drinking lemonade to purify the body especially easily. Drinking a cup of warm water mixed with 4 lemons daily, will minimize the possibility of kidney stones.
