5 foods silently crush the liver every day, many people still eat without knowing it

Canned vegetables

Canned vegetables are convenient to store and use when necessary, but similar to processed meat, canned foods contain a lot of salt with a protective effect, and of course will not be good for the liver. yours. If you want to store vegetables, choose frozen processed vegetables instead of canned vegetables.

Fresh bamboo shoots

Bamboo shoots are widely used food. However, some bamboo shoots, especially fresh bamboo shoots, can cause poisoning or even death.

In fresh bamboo shoot, very high cyanide content, about 230mg in 1kg of bamboo shoots.

When ingested bamboo shoots contain a lot of cyanide, under the action of digestive enzymes, cyanide is turned into cyanhydric acid (HCN), an extremely toxic substance to the body, harmful to the liver.


Research shows that high salt diets can also lead to fatty liver disease. Eating too much salt contributes to liver damage in adults and embryonic development. Increased intake of salt is linked to high blood pressure, which is the main cause of heart disease and stroke, boldsky said.

In addition, too much salt can lead to changes in fibrosis-related liver cells. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the amount of salt in your meal.

Ginger is not good for people with liver disease

Ginger is a very good food for everyone, but ginger is volatile when metamorphosis produces safrole that causes bad denaturation, not good for people with liver disease, especially hepatitis. It causes necrosis of liver cells and affects the liver leading to severe liver abnormalities, making hepatitis worse and worse.

Fast foods are not good for the liver

A study from Europe showed that eating too much fast food, a high-fat diet and sugar (including, corn syrup contains high levels of fructose or artificial sweeteners like Aspartame, Splenda NutraSweet, Equal . if consumed too much can cause toxic reactions in the body, especially the liver because the liver must work directly to treat them) thus causing serious damage to the liver.
