5 foods that help nourish the kidneys, help replenish blood, help increase energy best

Green vegetables

Green vegetables are rich in Vitamin C and K, along with fiber and folate, lower blood pressure, balance blood sugar and reduce kidney stress. Moreover, green vegetables also help your diet become rich and numerous other benefits.


Some say, you won't have to go to the doctor if you eat an apple every day. The reason for this is because in the apple is full of fiber to help absorb toxins, help to perform well the cleaning of your kidneys. Apples can also reduce inflammation in the body and support your gastrointestinal tract.


Not only is a popular spice, it is possible to process a variety of dishes such as: grilling, grinding ginger powder, adding to the cooking dish or juice, . but this food also works well in making clean kidneys, while reducing nausea, pain relief, motion sickness, anorexia.


This is a type of forest seed called "king" of kidneys in the plant world, especially in the group of hard-shelled nuts.

Eating chestnuts regularly can take care of the health of the kidneys, helping the kidneys work effectively thanks to the characteristics of normal, sweet, cleansing and optimal kidney purification. At the same time, chestnuts are very good for the body in general and for people with stomach problems.

Chestnuts are considered a "gift" from the mountains thanks to healthy, easy-to-absorb nutrients and are useful for physical training.

Also, if you have frequent back pain, you can also eat some chestnuts during a daily snack. If you have kidney disease, you need to eat more to get the most effect. You can cook chestnuts with dishes such as when cooking chicken or soup, so that every dish is very tasty and tasty, in the simplest case, you just need to eat a roasted chestnut.


People with kidney disease such as kidney failure, kidney failure, fatigue because of poor kidney function, should regularly eat scallops can be effective in adjusting the more active kidney function.

According to Oriental medicine, scallops have a peaceful, sweet taste, rich in nutrients and special trace elements, which can help the body absorb nutrients to help nourish the kidneys.

The advice for you is to regularly eat scallops, oysters, seafood with hard shells to enhance kidney health.
