5 horrible harms of the habit of skipping breakfast, number 1 can cause serious illness

Cardiovascular effects

According to scientists, breakfast is the most important meal of a day, it helps supplement the nutrients needed for a new working day. Frequently skipping breakfast not only makes people tired, it also causes unpredictable harm to your body.

From the perspective of modern medicine, the human body after a night's sleep has consumed all of the energy the previous day loaded. In the morning, when the body's blood sugar index is relatively low, at this time, if no nutrient is added to increase blood sugar, the body will take muscle and liver glycosene to use. This affects the activity of the liver and the muscles that are often seen as limp, tired.

In addition, in some people, when not being provided with the necessary amount of sugar, the body will use stored glucose, causing the heart and brain cells to function inefficiently, appearing discomfort symptoms. limbs, dizziness, dizziness, heart palpitations, if not handled promptly can be dangerous to the heart and brain.

In terms of traditional medicine, usually the previous day's dinner was about 12 hours away from the breakfast the next day (ie 12 hours of interrupting food), if you skip breakfast and wait until lunch The next day, when eating, the interruption time increased about 16 hours, easily leading to hypoglycemia and hypotension. Glucose does not provide enough for the heart and the brain will cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, anemia, more serious can lead to internal organ damage.

In addition, after a night, your body wakes up in an "empty" state, at which time the blood platelet's mucus increases, blood mucus increases, blood circulation is slow, easy to form blood clots. convergence in the vascular wall, once blocked in arteries will lead to dangerous complications such as angina, myocardial infarction, .

Losing the effect of insulin, the risk of diabetes

According to modern medicine, the human body has some hormones that control the normal functioning of the body, furthermore these hormones change according to the fluctuation of the external environment, but often their excretion is Properties depend on daily chemical changes (daily tempo). In a steady state of daily rhythm, growth hormone, adrenal hormones usually begin secreting at midnight, reaching maximum in the early morning, then gradually decreasing and continuing to reach maximum in the afternoon.

If the hormone is released, the insulin is followed by more secretions. Early morning and afternoon are the most excreted insulin. Insulin works to regulate blood sugar, if you don't eat breakfast, give your body blood sugar levels are insufficient, the amount of insulin secreted will be excessive, thereby causing hypoglycemia, more serious If left for a long time, the body will be resistant to insulin, leading to diabetes.

For the heart

According to the study results published in the Journal of the American Society of Internal Medicine, those who skip breakfast have 27% of their ability to withstand heart attacks compared to those who eat breakfast.

According to Dr. Leah Cahill, the study guide, commented that the risk ratio is significant. A real supporter of a healthy breakfast can certainly limit the risk of heart attacks.

People who give up breakfast are often more sensitive to high blood pressure, which will clog arteries. Therefore, they will face a high risk of chronic cardiovascular disease, including stroke.

High risk for type 2 diabetes

Harvard School of Public Health has developed a study that aims to determine the relationship between eating habits and health. Subjects of the study were 46,289 women and the study period was 6 years.

Research results are surprising. Women who have a habit of skipping breakfast have a higher rate of developing type 2 diabetes than those who have breakfast habits.

For working women who skip breakfast, the results are worse with more than 54% of the likelihood of developing T2DM.

Quitting eating breakfast can cause weight gain

If you are in a weight-loss mode and have a habit of skipping breakfast, please think about it a little. According to research results on the negative effects of not eating breakfast, those who skip breakfast are more likely to gain weight, completely contrary to the beauty goals. That is a mistake.

Quitting eating breakfast stimulates appetite for foods with sweet and fatty foods. Plus, because your hunger becomes more intense, and eventually you will eat whatever you happen to get during the day.

The higher your hunger level, the more you eat. This makes you take the amount of calories according to the proposed requirements. Continue to skip breakfast, you will eventually gain weight, not lose weight.
