5 serious mistakes when drinking silently destroy your kidneys

Drink a lot but not in moderation

Drinking your water in moderation will be harmful to health. Many people have a habit of waiting until they are thirsty to drink, but they do not know that at that time the body has lost some necessary water. Therefore, it is best to drink in moderation, every 100 minutes to replenish the body with 100ml of water, which is most suitable for the body to always be supplied with enough water, to ensure that the organs work smoothly and effectively. fruit.

Use fresh water to replace filtered water

Many people have a habit of drinking fresh water regardless of carbonated drinks or fruit juices to replace filtered water when thirsty. Because they found drinking water bland, no taste.

But they do not know the ingredients in fresh water will cause calcium ions in the bones to move everywhere in the body, making the amount of calcium in the urine increase. Therefore, people with a history of kidney stones should not drink if they do not want to get worse.

Not drinking enough water

Waiting for the thirst to think about drinking water, the body is now "screaming" in a state of dehydration. The consequence of not drinking enough water is not simply the feeling of thirst but it also makes the body unable to metabolize "waste" in the body so it is easy to cause damage to internal organs.

Drink less water and lead to high urine levels, which can lead to diseases such as kidney stones and nephritis.

Drink too much water

Many people think drinking lots of water is very beneficial for their health and good for the skin. But this is a wrong way of thinking.

Drinking too much water increases the burden on the kidneys, making the sodium ions in the body more easily released, the body's water is more easily penetrated into the cell causing "water poisoning". Serious cases can be life-threatening.

Forget to drink water in the morning

After a night of sleep, the body drains out the amount of water the previous day, so it needs to be added the next morning to promote blood circulation, filter waste. A glass of warm water to drink in the morning will help replenish the amount of water that the body consumes over a night of sleep, helping to reduce the adhesion of blood, promote blood circulation, and filter out waste products in the blood.

Scientists recommend that people who often do not drink water in the morning are more prone to dryness and cracking of their lips, sore throat, constipation, and yellow urine. The situation will get worse for people with heart disease or blood vessels.
