5 signs that many people encounter mistakenly believe they are suffering from cancer but actually this is

5 signs that many people find themselves mistaken for cancer

Hair / hair grows through moles

Many people with hair / hair that grow through moles think of skin cancer. However, the reality is not so.

According to experts, if a hair grows through the mole, the skin structure has not changed, it is a benign symptom, not necessarily cancer. Because, when a person has skin cancer, hair and hair cannot be formed.

Benign tumors are cancerous

Almost all benign tumors are difficult to become cancerous, except for some exceptions and super rare diseases like colon polyps. In addition, breast tumors, fibroids or ovarian cysts, cervical fibroids are very little to form cancer.

Swelling, pain is cancer

You may not know it, but most tumors do not cause pain. So, if you're worried about a bump, pain on your skin or under your skin, it's probably not cancer. However, these signs are very similar to the risk of a dangerous infection that needs treatment. Therefore, you should see a doctor for a more specific diagnosis.

Symptoms last for many years

If you have a lot of cough, headache, bloating for many years, it is not cancer. According to experts, there may be some other diseases, which are less dangerous, but still have to be checked for timely intervention.

Symptoms of disease come and go suddenly

Someday, your body suddenly appears a bump, a rash but disappears about 1 week later, it is unlikely that this is a sign of cancer.

Cancer often has more severe symptoms over time. The only exception is colon cancer. People with this disease often get diarrhea and blood scattered and go abnormally.

The secret of eating to prevent cancer

Kinds of bean

Beans are good for the body, it contains many phytochemicals that protect the body's cells, are able to slow the growth of tumors and prevent tumors from releasing substances that damage extra cells. close.

Breakfast reduces the risk of cancer

With a diet rich in folate - that is, providing your body with enough vitamin B - a vitamin that can help protect against colon, rectal, and breast cancer. Eating a lot of special cereal at breakfast will help supply the body with folate. Folate content is also found in orange juice, or fruits such as watermelons and strawberries.

Some foods that are high in folate include eggs, greens, beans, sunflower seeds, leafy vegetables like spinach. The best way to get enough folate for the body is by eating fruits, vegetables, and cereal products.

Ignore processed meats

If you eat a sausage occasionally, it won't be a problem, but if you eat regularly and for a long time processed meats like sausages, bacon and cold meats will increase your risk. colon, or stomach cancer.

In addition, eating processed meats and stored with drugs is a high risk of leading you to cancer.

Anti-cancer with tomatoes

Although the active ingredient of lycopene - the pigment that determines the red color of tomatoes, it is unclear how to fight cancer. But some studies suggest that there is a link between eating tomatoes and reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Researchers recommend eating tomatoes in the form of juice, which will increase the cancer's anti-cancer ability.

Blueberries are very good for health

Antioxidants in blueberries can be of great value in improving health, preventing cancer. Antioxidants help eliminate free radicals before they can hurt cells.
