5 very good foods for the colon


Broccoli is a vegetable that helps cleanse the body. It is also very beneficial in cleaning the liver, colon and digestive aid. You can add broccoli to salads to add benefits.

Fruit juice is a healthy choice, not only to maintain overall health but also to clean the colon by containing a large amount of minerals, enzymes and cleansing salts.


Eating green leafy vegetables like spinach helps clean the colon and protects the digestive system from other disorders. Use spinach daily to have a healthy intestinal tract.


Lemon rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants remove toxins from the body and cleanse the digestive system. Drink a glass of lemonade every morning to make your digestive system work better, your skin is even more beautiful than it looks.

Fruit juice

Fruit juices such as oranges, grapes, apples, pineapples rich in water, enzymes and fiber not only help you prevent constipation but also cleanse the digestive tract.


Garlic contains antiviral, bacterial and parasitic substances that can enhance resistance, remove toxins, pathogens and parasites in the stomach and intestines.
