6 effective liver-healthy foods and pulmonary filtering 1, daily food is 100 times better than drinking ginseng tonic


One study found that people who drank a glass of apple juice a day were less likely to wheeze. Another study found that women who eat apples daily during pregnancy, their babies are less likely to have asthma.

This is because apples contain phenolic compounds and flavonoids, which are known to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract.


Bananas are rich in potassium (~ 47mg), which is an essential ingredient in a healthy diet. Bananas are also good for digestion, promoting the release of metals and toxins from the body, helping the liver to better accomplish its task.


Nuts such as pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and sunflower seeds are considered superfoods for the lungs because they provide the body with a lot of magnesium, an essential and extremely good mineral for people with asthma.

Magnesium supports the muscles in the respiratory tract to relax and reduce inflammation, thus improving respiration.

Green tea

Catechin in green tea is an extremely effective antioxidant that helps fight many types of cancer, including liver cancer.


Broccoli may not be the most attractive dish but it is in the top of the best food for the body and liver.


Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation in the body, detoxify the lungs and promote the removal of contaminants from the lungs. This spice also reduces congestion and improves circulation to the lungs, thereby enhancing lung health.
