6 foods that are more valuable than the panacea, help balance the fatty liver


Papaya and its seeds have great benefits in healing cirrhosis. Papaya helps to burn fat in the liver and therefore very good for curing fatty liver.


Turmeric is not only a favorite spice in dishes, turmeric is also known for its amazing health benefits. Turmeric not only prevents fatty liver disease but also stimulates the body to digest fat, minimizing the amount of fat stored in the liver.

To effectively treat fatty liver disease in the liver, it is recommended: mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of hot water, let it cool, and use three times a day. If you like, you can mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk and enjoy.


Dandelion is used to treat fatty liver disease because it metabolizes the fats contained in the liver. Dandelion is a powerful liver tonic that helps activate good liver function and helps treat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease associated with obesity. You can use fresh dandelion leaves in a salad.

Mix a spoonful of dandelion powder and hot water, leave for a few minutes then drink. You can add a little honey to improve the taste. Drink one glass, two to three times a day for several weeks. Note, this herb should not be used for people with diabetes because it can lead to unwanted side effects.


Lemons are a citrus fruit that contains vitamin C. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that helps the liver produce glutathione, which plays an important role in detoxifying the body. Recent studies also show that lemons contain a compound called naringenin that reduces the inflammation associated with fatty liver.

Drink fresh lemonade and repeat two or three times a day for a month. You can also cut into thin slices of lemon, drop them into a bottle of water and drink throughout the day. Alternatively, add a few slices of cucumber to the lemon juice to use.

Apple juice

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best treatments for fatty liver. Apple juice also promotes weight loss and reduces the amount of fat build up inside the liver. Mix one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, one teaspoon of honey and one glass of warm milk. Drink this mixture before meals.

Do this for months on a regular basis.

Green tea

Green tea is full of antioxidants and nutrients that are important to the body. Regular consumption of green tea helps support brain function, reduces the risk of cancer, kills bacteria and burns body fat. Green tea is one of the best precautions for fatty liver, especially for people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

What to do when fatty liver?

Periodic health examination: When detecting that you have fatty liver, patients should have regular health exams to monitor the progress of the disease, timely treatment, prevent complications. Especially for people who are obese, alcoholics, people with type 2 diabetes and those who are malnourished, regular health checkups are extremely necessary. In addition, people with chronic hepatitis C, people with hyperlipidemia, people who take high doses of some drugs such as corticoides, tetracycline, estrogen should also have regular health checkups.

- Reduce cholesterol-rich foods such as animal meats, animal skins, egg yolks.

- Limiting fat, preferring vegetable oil (except coconut oil), limiting animal fat (except fish fat). Eat boiled dishes, limit fried foods, fried fat, fried butter.

- Balancing meals, eat fish, shrimp, crabs and beans.

- Should drink milk, and should only use low-fat milk and low fat is best to eat yogurt.

- Eat well, eat right meals, on time. Don't eat dinner too late and eat less before bed.

- Limit alcohol

- Exercise reasonable sports weight control. Experts recommend that you should spend about 30 minutes doing aerobic exercise every day, walking or cycling.

- When using the drug, the patient should ask the doctor about the hepatotoxic effect of the drug, and minimize the use of hepatotoxic drugs.

Fatty liver should not eat?

Fatty liver disease is a benign disease, but if the person is subjective in their diet, the disease can progress to severe and cause worse complications. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a reasonable scientific diet for the disease to be relieved and avoid catastrophes.

Foods like rice, vermicelli, noodles, noodles, bread should eat less is better than leftovers because it will increase energy balance, increasing fat in the body and in the liver.
