6 signs 'closed area' sisters are embarrassed, but don't skip it if you don't want to regret it

Appearing strange pimples

When these pimples appear, you should soak warm water, then you can apply a layer of hydrocortisone cream if there are signs of inflammation. If after the self-treatment, the wounds are still not submerged and you feel pain, you should see a doctor because this may be a sign of infection.

The area is itchy

Do you feel like bull ants in the 'enclosed area'? This can be a sign of a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. If you have this, you should see your doctor to avoid a serious infection that causes infertility.

Dry area

Many people often think that vaginal dryness only occurs in older women, but in fact people who are taking birth control pills, antidepressants, antihistamines . are also at risk of vaginal dryness.

Painful 'closed area' deep

'Deep-seated' deep pain, especially during intercourse can be a sign of endometriosis or ovarian cysts. Before this problem, the doctor may examine gynecology or ultrasound to find out the cause.

Menstrual period lasts

Usually, the menstrual period lasts only 3-5 days. However, if it lasts more than 7 days, you may have experienced abnormal uterine bleeding. Therefore, you need to pay attention if you encounter this situation to take the initiative to check in time and prevent the risk of gynecological infections.

Unusually damaged gas

Normal damaged gas will be clear white, odorless or have a slight fishy smell. However, for people at risk of vaginitis, cervical ulcers, endometritis . This not only seriously affects women's health but also one of the signs Initial warning of infertility.
