6 signs of appendicitis, look a few seconds to catch the disease immediately, be careful of life's danger

Causes of appendicitis

There are 2 main causes of appendicitis:

- Appendicitis: this is the main cause of appendicitis.

- Appendic tumors: this cause is quite rare.

Symptoms of appendicitis

The following are signs of appendicitis:

Severe abdominal pain

Severe abdominal pain is the first and always present symptom of appendicitis. Pain is diverse. Often located in the right lower abdomen or may be painful in the area around the navel, on the navel or under the back. Pain occurs constantly and increases when sneezing or changing positions, moving your legs or stomach. This is also the most recognizable acute appendicitis symptom.

This is a symptom of inflammation and increased pressure on the appendix. Also, as mentioned above, the location of the appendix is ​​very diverse. Depending on the location of the appendix, the patient will have a different sense of location of appendicitis: pain in the right side (appendix under the liver), lower back pain (appendicitis after the cecum), lowering pain (Fractal appendicitis) .

Nausea and vomiting

Sudden nausea and vomiting are also a warning sign. This is a phenomenon recorded in 90% of appendicitis cases. This sign is often seen after severe abdominal pain. You need to see a doctor right away if this condition keeps repeating to make sure you have appendicitis.

Abdominal distention

Due to the inflammatory response in tissues and the accumulation of gas in the intestine, people with appendicitis often experience abdominal distention with a very uncomfortable feeling of bloating.


Along with abdominal pain, the patient also had a fever (though not too high) with trembling. Therefore, if you have right lower abdominal pain with fever, it is best to see a doctor immediately to avoid the detection of the disease too late that is dangerous to life.


When appendicitis occurs, the patient may suddenly feel fed up even though they normally eat well.

The inflammation in the appendix affects the digestive function of the body. In many cases, appendicitis can inhibit the production of hormones that cause hunger and cause patients to lose their hunger and appetite.

However, this condition should be evaluated with the presence of other symptoms to make the diagnosis correctly.

Back pain

Backache is a sign that helps diagnose appendicitis correctly.

The doctor checks by pressing the right lower abdomen of the patient. If you have appendicitis, you will experience a sharp pain at the site of the pressure and when the pressure is gone, the intensity of the pain becomes even more intense.

Does your body appear to have any of the symptoms mentioned above? If so, see your doctor right away to make sure you have appendicitis.

Always remember, the sooner the disease is detected, the more likely it is to treat success.
