6 unusual things about health from the sneeze

(Phunutoday)-When working outdoors or while practicing sport, can cause you to be sneezing constantly. Because when increased ventilation, you usually have to breathe faster, so to overcome the pressure of inertia, the nose and the mouth you will begin to dry up. This will also cause your nose in response to that born of sneezing.

1. The nervous system being stimulated

the expert faculty of Allergy and asthma in hospitals confirmed.

When you go to strange places or to travel, the nerve signals can be affected. Immediately, they reported "sneezing Center" located in the brain stem as the nerves of 5, 7 and send the message to all relevant agencies to create an incredibly complicated process is sneezing. This is the cause that led to the situation in different sneeze from person to person.

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2. Ship the "stranger" in the nose
Sneezing is a important part of the immune process, help the body healthy. Sneezes protect the body by releasing bacteria and viruses reside, infiltration in the nose. Such as bacteria that cause flu; dust, pollen, dog, cat, or other chemicals, ...

When the "stranger" in the nose or nose met an irritation then the signals will soon be sent to the throat, eyes, mouth, muscles of the chest and then the throat muscles. The result, the air with saliva and mucus were turned away from the mouth and nose. When will cause sneezing.

a sneeze can quickly help you liberate about 100,000 bacteria in the nose. We just had the effect of protecting the body just as the signal you are nose has lots of bacteria attack and cause disease to the nose. 3. Pluck the eyebrows

Pluck the eyebrows can make you sneeze lia lịa. So you pluck your actions can affect facial nerve (the nose). The result makes you sneeze. 4. sports training 

When working outdoors or sports training, you may be sneezing constantly. Because when increased ventilation, you usually have to breathe faster, so to overcome the pressure of inertia, the nose and the mouth you will begin to dry up. This will also cause your nose in response to that born of sneezing. 5. The Sun

Sunlight is one of 3 common cause symptoms of sneezing. There are about 20-30% of people when out of sunlight getting symptoms. These are people who were sneezing syndrome (sneeze syndrome) and disorders are genetically from parents to offspring.

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6. After the "love"

Sexual activity can also be a trigger that makes you suffer from sneezing. This phenomenon often occurs with young couples after the "love".

The researchers believe that the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system during and after sex will cause the signal to want to enjoy the time of a number of people and can lead to sneezing.


If sneezing, don't you think that is a vision or believe in the spirituality.

In contrast, the unpleasant symptoms of sneezing is closely related to certain health problems. Because, a disease, a severe allergy can also cause sneezing visit more.=
