7 simple signal proves you healthy

(Phunutoday)-our body is a string matching and independence. Although the each agency functions work but when a few bodies being "sick", warning signs immediately will be played out in other departments and agencies.

That is why when looking at the sign on the outside of each person, we can guess what you are healthy or are experiencing the problem.

Here are a few signs that you can rest assured about his health, because it proves you are completely healthy.

1. in the urine, profuse

If you are urinating several times a day and the urine pale yellow no ridges of the opaque, with no residue or too dark then it means that your body gets enough water and your kidneys healthy.

The urine pale yellow no ridges of the opaque, with no residue or too dark then good.

However, if the urine is absolutely no color then it is very possible your body are excessive water, means you're losing salt and other electrolytes.

Cloudy urine can be a sign of infection. Dark yellow urine can be caused by excessive condensate or due to the presence of bile pigment in urine or by drinking too little water during the day. Want to know the cause of the strangeness in the color of your urine should visit a doctor specializing in urology.

2. good shit

No blood or feces is not broken loose, so solid is the best.

The shape, the color of the stool when going outside can vary, but no blood or liquid manure, not too solid or no pain when the going is good. Good bowel, regularity is a proven indicator of good health, the body can handle solid waste quickly and efficiently. It shows that your diet have enough fibre and digestive system are working properly.

3. weight stabilisation

Suppose you are underweight or overweight seriously then you will also have to worry to health inside his body. Relatively stable weight is a sign of good health. It ensures the health of other organs in the body.

People have weight and overweight are also at risk for other diseases such as diabetes, cancer, sleep apnea, arthritis, gout, gall ...

Obese people often have underlying heart disease and suffered a stroke. In addition, people who have weight and overweight are also at risk for other diseases such as diabetes, cancer, sleep apnea, arthritis, gout, gall ... In contrast, skinny people can also diseases such as gallstones, gastric prolapse syndrome, anemia, osteoporosis ...

4. Healing

If you find that you suffer from cuts, scrapes or burns that a very long time to heal or you are prone to bruising without known cause then you should go visit as soon as possible. Also if the injured that the wounds that heal very then you should get excited because you are very healthy, your blood is normal, blood white cells is to carry the bacteria, and the blood vessels healthy.

If the wound that the wounds that heal very then you should get excited because you very healthy

5. Hair and nails strong and healthy

Hair and nail system is often the first division appearance for signs of when the body of vitamin deficiency. This deficiency can make hair and nails weak, leading to hair loss. In particular, if your hair is dry and split the body i.e. you are having the problem of the lack of vitamin a.

The lack of the vitamin can make hair and nails weak

6. menstrual cycle regularity

Regular menstrual cycle and steadily with the premenstrual symptoms is normally one of the best indices signal your reproductive system is completely healthy. If irregular cycle, again accompanied by symptoms such as abdominal pain, back pain, blood flows more or less in the period as the signs are not good. At this time, the sisters should go check as soon as possible.

The important thing is that you need to have a quiet nights sleep.

7. Good night

Most of us don't get enough sleep as needed and losing sleep became a popular phenomenon in modern life. But this is not the good one. Tuyy course, get enough sleep not enough.

The important thing is that you need to have a quiet night's sleep, do not wake up middle of the night, do not be excessive night society ... If is so well demonstrated you are completely healthy.

Thu Minh=
