Bath time can lead to fatality

A bath right after the "relationship" sex can be dangerous.

Should not bathe after relationships

After doing "it" should not take a bath right that rest 5-10 minutes. The right shower can make the body cramps due to the muscles being sudden shrinkage. A bath right after the "relationship" sex can be dangerous due to the cold water causes sudden blood vessels, leading to overwhelming and can cause hazard due to rupture of blood vessels.

Should not a bath shortly after mobilization

Including mobility, brain fitness and we all should not cold water bath shortly after mobilization, because at that time, active medium body fatigue, if immediate bath can cause heart and brain are not provided enough blood, which can lead to fainting, coma ... You should rest for a while to revive body and bath.

Should not bathe after 23 h

Some of you have the habit of bathing late for many reasons, but this disastrous habit can lead to immeasurable consequences. When a late bath, at this temperature are the lowest of the day, weakened body condition will quickly lead to bad strokes, accidents. When the body is tired or sick, the late shower, especially when cold makes blood vessels in the body shrinks, affect the process of blood circulation.

Not a bath when the fever

When the body temperature at 38 degrees Celsius or more heat energy consumption will increase by about 20%. Then if you are very susceptible to cold bath, causing fever and health condition became exacerbated weak resistance. This can lead to stroke, serious impact to your network.

Do not shower when tired body

Many cases that when the body is tired of bath will help you regain the spirit of cheery and more awake. Doing this completely by mistake when tired blood circulation and blood gas circulation is dropping sharply.

When you bathe at this particularly cold water bath can make you more tired and you're more susceptible to colds, stunned even caused death. Also you should not shower soap when the body tired by then strong alkaline SOAP. If entering the skin will make you tired. The best way you should rest to then take a shower.=
