Best Multiple Sclerosis Blogs of 2019

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an unpredictable disease with a wide range of symptoms that can come, go, linger, or worsen. For many, understanding the facts — from diagnosis and treatment options to the challenges of living with the disease — is the first step in learning how to successfully manage it.

Fortunately, there's a supportive community out there to lead the way by advocating, informing, and getting real about MS. These blogs made our best list this year for their unique perspectives, passion, and commitment to helping those living with MS.

Driving safety, financial stress, weight gain, frustration, and fear of the future. For many living with MS, these are active concerns, and this site doesn't shy away from any of them. The upfront and unvarnished tone is part of what makes the content on the blog so powerful. Young writers and MS advocates like Devin Garlit and Brooke Pelczynski tell it like it is. There's also a section on MS and Mental Health, valuable for anyone battling the emotional impacts of the disease or the depression that can come along with chronic illness.

Dan and Jennifer Digmann

At its core, this is a remarkable love story about two people living with MS — but it doesn't stop there. Married couple Jennifer and Dan both have MS and care for one another. On their blog, they share details of their day-to-day struggles and successes, along with thoughtful resources to help ease life with MS. They keep you up on all of their adventures, advocacy work, and how they treat and manage their individual cases of MS.

My New Normals

People with MS who are experiencing progressing symptoms or having a particularly tough time will find helpful advice here. Nicole Lemelle has been an advocate in the MS community for as long as many of us can remember, and she's found a sweet spot between telling her story honestly and continuing to inspire and uplift her community. Nicole's MS journey has been a rocky one in recent years, but she shares her bravery in a way that'll make you want to hug her through the screen.

MS Connection Blog

People with MS and their caregivers looking for inspiration or education will find it here. The blog offers a huge variety of stories from people with MS in all stages of their lives, talking about everything from relationships and exercise to career advice and everything in between. It's hosted by the National MS Society, so you'll find valuable research articles tossed in there too.

Girl With MS

People newly diagnosed with MS will find this blog especially helpful, though anyone living with MS can find value in these articles. Caroline Craven has done an amazing job at creating an actionable resource for people with MS that includes topics like how to use essential oils, supplement recommendations, and emotional wellness. You might think of her blog as everything that's really important but your doctor may not be in tune with.

MS Conversations

This blog is helpful for people newly diagnosed with MS or anyone with a specific MS issue they'd like advice on. Hosted by the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, the articles are written by patients from all walks of life. This is a great starting point for people who are newly diagnosed and looking for a full picture of life with MS.

Life with Multiple Sclerosis

Trevis Gleason writes this wonderful collection of articles about his life with secondary-progressive MS that's honest and unapologetic. He shares how your 'normals' change when your MS is active or progressive and gives tips and real-life advice about how to navigate these changes.

Barts MS Blog

This blog is for anyone looking to double down on their MS research intake. It's filled with interesting perspectives, with entries posted by a combination of doctors and patients, all writing about emerging research in MS. Each article is labeled according to how scientific it is, giving readers a heads up as to whether it's going to be a breeze to understand or if they need to get out a dictionary, stat.

Multiple Sclerosis News Today

If you're looking for anything that could be considered news for the MS community, this is where you'll find it. This is the only online publication that's serving up MS-related news daily, providing a consistent and up-to-date resource.


Kathy Reagan Young is the powerhouse behind FUMS, and a tireless representative for the MS community. Not only has she created a resource with important MS-related information, but she also shows MS from the perspective of a real person. Kathy writes how she talks, and that makes her incredibly relatable and lovable.

Multiple Sclerosis Trust

People with MS living abroad — and anyone who has an interest in MS — will enjoy this variety of articles covering MS research, personal stories of people living with MS, and a large list of MS-related events and fundraisers in the U.K.


Shift.MS is a free, independent social network for those living with MS. George Pepper and Freddie Yauner launched the site in 2009 after George was diagnosed with MS at just 22. He had difficulty finding other people his age with MS, even online, so he took action and launched Shift.MS. Here, a community of more than 20,000 people with MS talk about the latest news, what treatments they've tried, what's worked or hasn't, and much more. Users can also participate by watching videos by MS Reporters or posing questions to MS Experts.

MS Society Canada

Based out of Toronto, this organization provides services to those living with multiple sclerosis and their families, and funds research to find a cure. With a membership of over 17,000, they're committed to supporting both MS research and services. Browse through research spotlights, funding news, and participate in free educational webinars.

Overcoming MS

Overcoming MS (OMS) is a global nonprofit that educates and empowers people living with MS through 'evidence-based lifestyle and medication choices that improve health outcomes.' A thorough list of topics that OMS refers to as the 'recovery program' outlines diet (with dozens of recipes), supplements, meditation, exercise, drug therapies, and more. All with the goal of helping those with MS live longer and better.

Tripping Through Treacle

The tagline on this heartwarming and candid blog is 'stumbling through life with MS.' Jen's honest and empowered perspective resonates through every piece of content here – from posts on spoonie parenting to the realities of living with 'chronic illness guilt' to product reviews. Jen also collaborates on Dizzycast, a podcast with Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS (see below).

Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS

Heather is a 27-year-old actor, teacher, and MS advocate who lives in England. She was diagnosed with MS several years ago, and began blogging shortly thereafter. In addition to sharing thoughts and perspectives on MS, she posts 'foody, relaxation stuff and any exercising things' that prove helpful. A firm believer in a healthy lifestyle helping to improve life with MS, Heather often shares what has worked best for her.

Yvonne deSousa

Yvonne deSousa is funny. Browse her bio page and you'll see what we mean. She has also lived with relapsing remitting MS since the age of 40. Her reaction when she was first diagnosed? 'Hard to believe but I started to laugh. Then I cried. I called my sister Laurie who had been diagnosed with MS almost ten years before. She made me laugh. I realized that laughing was more fun. Then I started to write.' Yvonne's ability to find humor despite her hardships is remarkable, but she's very candid when things get too dark or difficult to laugh about. 'Multiple Sclerosis is serious and terrifying,' she writes. 'These writings of mine are not meant to in any way belittle this condition or those suffering from it, especially those in advanced stages. My writing is only meant to offer a brief smile to those who can relate to some of the bizarre circumstances that arise from MS.'

Tripping on Air

Ardra describes herself as a city girl who loves 'books, wine, galleries and gossip.' Her blog is fresh, modern, fashion-forward (she loves $700 shoes and isn't afraid to admit it), and real. MS hasn't stopped Ardra from doing the things she loves, but it definitely impacts her ability to do them. She's open, sometimes funny, and always fearless about living with MS — from how she copes with 'swallowing 62.5 pills in 15 minutes' to what happened on her worst MS day ever.

BBH with MS

Blogger Meg is a sassy, nature-loving mother and wife living in the Pacific Northwest. Much has changed in her life since she was diagnosed with MS in 2007, at the age of 37. She remarried, her kids are grown, and Meg says she's never been happier. For years, she tried conventional treatments for her MS, only to hit 'rock bottom' at a point when chronic pain threatened to take over her life. At that point, she made a choice. 'I came off all the pharmaceutical medications and now use cannabis, CBD, diet, and exercise to manage my disease…I am now on a mission to try and help educate others about the legitimate and genuine medical benefits of cannabis, CBD and how important it is to eat healthily and exercise daily.' While this is obviously one woman's journey and the story of what has worked for her, there's a great deal of inspiration and information to be found on the blog for those interested in exploring alternative therapies.

If you have a favorite blog you'd like to nominate, please email us at

Jackie Zimmerman is a digital marketing consultant who focuses on nonprofits and healthcare-related organizations. In a former life, she worked as a brand manager and communications specialist. But in 2018, she finally gave in and started working for herself at Through her work on the site, she hopes to continue to work with great organizations and inspire patients. She began writing about living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and irritable bowel disease (IBD) shortly after her diagnosis as a way to connect with others. She never dreamed it would evolve into a career. Jackie has been working in advocacy for 12 years and has had the honor of representing the MS and IBD communities at various conferences, keynote speeches, and panel discussions. In her free time (what free time?!) she snuggles her two rescue pups and her husband Adam. She also plays roller derby.
