Bladder dysfunction in pregnant women

Female pelvic floor?

-Pelvic floor Areas include all the structures located inside the pelvis: from mu to coccyx joint, from the pots side to the other side of the pot and is formed from several blocks of weight, the body.

-Pelvic floor contains 3 agencies: urinary system under (bladder, urethra), reproductive system (uterus, vagina), digestive system under (the rectum, anus).

-The Mission of the pelvic floor:

+ Keep the organ is located in the right place, don't get down when heavy, sa campaigning running jump.

+ Collapsible bladder hole, the vagina, the anus, help control the bladder and bowel activity, sexual activity, helps the process of childbirth easier.

This system of three harmonious rhythmic activities together, this system in favour of other systems go under the active control of the people.

Bladder dysfunction is common in pregnant women

According to statistics, three women were once pregnancy and childbirth, one person suffered minor són. Almost 50% of women over 40 years old suffer from minor són, 40% of women over age 50 suffer from genital prolapse.

The manifestation of bladder dysfunction in pregnant women

Minor lines:

-no control when exertion: són minor when laughing, coughing, sneezing, running jump or carrying heavy objects.

-urine: no minor was holding your way when getting the minor.

-night Emirates > 1 times.

-many times: the distance between the 2 times urinate < 1="" giờ="" hoặc="" tiểu=""> 8 times/day.

-continuous control: no urine leak continuously cheaply all day.

-hard straining.

-feeling of urination does not go away.

Influence of bladder dysfunction

While not dangerous to life but who suffer from the disorder since on living quality in many aspects due to always worry, shame, depression, difficult to integrate the community. Having to adopt self-regulatory measures such as frequent urination, to constantly freeze hygiene, avoiding physical activities, insomnia, reducing the likelihood of costly labor economics. Not a few women experience pain or suffering out of urine during intercourse makes them elusive, sex, affects the family happiness.

My sister always brings shame and anxiety psychology when stuck in bladder dysfunction
Remedial bladder dysfunction

In three treatments: surgery, rehabilitation and drug rehab the pelvic floor muscles are most commonly used in the world. This is because exercises Kegel-American Womens first proposed in 1948. After the episode, the pelvic floor muscles are capable of contraction and support agencies, maintains the autonomy of urination and defecation. Besides, reduce pain, increase the ' fit ' of the vagina, making sexual activity becomes more comfortable, more enjoyable. Therefore, although the birth from more than 60 years now but my exercises Kegel is still the first choice method of computation, high treatment efficiency up to 80-90%.

Kegel exercises

When being minor more són, you can apply the Kegel exercises will increase the ability to control the bladder, helping you reduce the phenomenon. This exercise is very simple, that is exactly the file you vaginal muscles stretch, like you're bladder shall stop and hold their pee a little.

Be applied in the following way: sitting or lying down, co the pelvic muscle time zone again. Keep that status around 3 seconds, then relax the muscle, holding the next 3 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Next, you increase the number of seconds the muscle contraction to about 4-5 seconds and unwind with this time around. When you try to relax, then deep breathing. Repeat this action 3 times during the day. When used with this movement you made it very simple.=
