Breakfast is really good or not?

(Phunutoday)-in terms of nutrition, the experts would also tell us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you should eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a commoner and dinner like a pauper.

[links] After this, the importance of breakfast is also increased when the conclusion: If you are trying to lose weight , you have to have breakfast and if not you can order breakfast, is pushing his health to the dangers. However there is a view that, not the breakfast the most important meal of the day. That's because when you wake up early and had breakfast, when all that you eat the day before was completely digest the body to fall into a mode of energy value for the alert.

However there is a view that, not the breakfast the most important meal of the day.

It is said that contrary to popular belief says that eating breakfast will start your metabolic process, eating breakfast will actually have the opposite effect .  If that's the usual eggs and bacon or bread and cereals for breakfast, then energy production system will inevitably have to "closed". This view argue that it is not eating breakfast is the most important is the gentle exercise after eating is the most important of the new day. The experts also said that humans have evolved and become nocturnal. It is true that many of us also to eat at night, so if we eat all the food during the day, you can make our weight increases are not enough. However, the old concept: eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a commoner and dinner like a beggar is still correct in that you have to have a healthy breakfast each day, it's a meal you should not ignore. A healthy breakfast should be a healthy mix between carbs and proteinn to give you sustained energy throughout the day.

A healthy breakfast should contain a combination of carbs and proteinn to provide energy throughout the day.

According to this concept, there are 3 reasons we have to eat breakfast as follows: -Breakfast will help you build muscle: Since the morning, empty stomach, so this point is entirely appropriate to supplement the nutrients that the body needs in all day. A breakfast consisting of high protein content is useful in achieving goals. -Breakfast help you will not eat too much during the day: If you've got a meal rich in nutrients in the morning, you will feel no belly in a long time and no longer feel hungry and want to eat voraciously during the following meal. So, you will avoid the risk of eating too momentum in the other meals of the day. -You have more energy throughout the day: a healthy balanced breakfast will definitely make your body has fuel and energy to face the day activities without feeling tired.

If you've got a meal rich in nutrients in the morning, you will feel no longer stomach.

And the implications that can pull in from not eating breakfast is: -Damages the stomach: Not eating breakfast will make the stomach empty room from the stomach secretes is not neutralize should ease causing stomach ulcers. -Not developed are: Children if not full will make the body not enough nutrients to grow, will lead to stunted, and stagnant brains. -Atherosclerosis: Many people have the habit of eating up more to the next morning do not need to eat. This is the wrong concept. Too much dinner will earn the fat cling to the vessels, the heart, the liver, the kidney in ... and consequently we speedily atherosclerosis although we very ... skinny. -Postural blood pressure: You have low blood pressure, but less breakfast. This can cause you to hypoglycemia, drop in blood pressure and fainting anytime.

Children if not full will make the body not enough nutrients to grow.

The best food for breakfast: -Eggs: Eggs are rich in protein and is selected as the type of food for breakfast is very appropriate, because it helps you no longer. - Sữa: Milk and most other dairy processing products have a high protein content and has some kind of milk or dairy products also contain quite low in fat. -Butter, peanut: peanuts and butter also contain relatively high concentrations of protein, so let the almonds, butter on toast is also a great food for breakfast. -Meat: Pork Bacon, sausage and ham is also the great food and for a low-fat.

Milk and most other dairy processing products have a high protein content.

- Cá: Fish is rich in protein and healthy fats should also be selected for your breakfast. -Soy products: There are many products made from soy, including soy milk and breakfast cereals. Note: There are quite many people choose fruits for breakfast. In fact, the fruit can also be a key element of a healthy breakfast. However, eating the fruit in the morning may not be beneficial for some people, especially those who are in a few patients, such as patients with diabetes or diabetes.

(Thuy Mai)=
